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Dumbest Sticker Ever.


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On the back of this cavalier, 4 door, looked ot be a 97-99 type, me and emily were going to the store and I saw this bumper sticker that completely urked the shit out of me because of how ignorant they were.


It read:


"Don't put my flag on your imported(or could of been foreign) car."


And of course they had an american flag in the background of the writing.


Is it just me or was that just about the stupidest thing ever seen for stickers? Seeing how a lot of parts on ANY car now a days save for like 1 company that I can think of have parts made over-seas.


Comments? Thoughts?

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I hate stupid people.


I work for GM and I drive a Subaru. this means i have to park in *** farthest lot from the door.


All because my car is a "foreign" car. MY CAR IS BUILT IN INDIANA!!!!


Grr. Cavelier's are barely american. GM builds parts to Mexico and Brazil and Canada.


If people are working in the US making these so called foreign cars, their paycheck is money coming back to our economy. Becuase those peolple spend their money in US not the companys country that their procuct comes from.


GRRRR.. (if that didnt make sense, its because this all makes me very angry)

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Originally posted by Harris92:

I just laugh at that shit, yes it is frustrating, but sometimes you just have to laugh at the ingnorance of America. ;)

Or more appropriately the ingnorance of some Americans.
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no the absolute worst bumper sticker had to be;


"im ashamed of bush, but more ashamed of the people that voted for him"

this was right above his kerry bumper sticker, that guy prolly doesnt get too many people wanting to cut him off. just annoying that people still have these stickers on their cars... the votes over people!



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Guest Spyder550

These people don't realize that one of the great things about this country is that you can buy either foreign or domestic based upon your own preferences.

We are allowed to make our own decisions regarding almost anything and have access to all the best the world has to offer, both from the U.S. and from abroad.

Putting an American flag on a foreign car is a symbol of freedom, putting a sticker like that on a car is a symbol of ignorance.

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Originally posted by jeep17:

no the absolute worst bumper sticker had to be;


"im ashamed of bush, but more ashamed of the people that voted for him"

this was right above his kerry bumper sticker, that guy prolly doesnt get too many people wanting to cut him off. just annoying that people still have these stickers on their cars... the votes over people!



drivers who support Kerry are just like him... they never know which way they are going


and are always the ones who will cut from the slow lane to the fast lane about 5 car lengths before you get there, and then they will proceed to travel exactly 3 mph faster then the car they are passing, causing you to have to hit your brakes and kick off the cruiz control, which leads to a string of cars riding eachothers asses cuz this one dip shit had to be a dip shit and pass instead of waiting another 10 seconds for everyone to go by....


well, maybe its not just the Kerry supporters, but i notice them more cuz they always have a Kerry sticker on the back... and its usually women, in SUV's, talkin on the cell phone, or middle age men... WOOO HOOO, lesbians and drunks for Kerry... losers

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