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Fuck Ward Churchill


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No, he won't. He's been blabbing his lips for decades as a nobody. This clueless puke had Y2k hippyheads demonstrating for him.

I support his right to spew out F'ed up views 100%. Because, that is the same right that allows others to point out what an idiot he is.

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His backgroud: angry man with tenure

Originally posted by AustinL911:

is this the guy that said people during 9-11 deserved it, and that he feels sorry for the terrorists/Iraq? Or something of that nature.

no, its not. Its a common misconception because the media snipped out one sentence from pages and pages of writing and blew it up in the name of yellow jornalism. Gotta get those ratings.

I'll sumarize it for the 98% of Americans that are too lazy to read it all or too intimidated by big words:

He didnt say they desrved he, he said we shouldn't be suprised they were targeted.


Perception is a fickle bitch, and obviously a group of very determined people perceived the proprieters in the towers and specificaly the pentagon (which churchill was refering to, not ht etowers) as "little Ikemans". An if you want to break it down, it isn't hard to see how they could get that idea.


For the record, I had a cousin in building 7 when it all happened, and luckily she made it out alive. She most certainly did not deserve it. But I am also not suprised that the towers were targeted.


What pisses me off about it all is how he's being handled, dig this;

He was forbidden fron attending a debate in NY because everyone was so pissed at him that they cancelled it. Students related to 9/11 victims attending the university that he was supposed to speak at actualy WANTED him there. It was a forum in which he was going to be placed with educated and intelligent minds to debate and discuss differing veiw points. In the intelectual arena, he was a gladiator about to do battle with other (debatable more formitable) gladiators. It was a chance for his ass to get schooled proper, and in public. But no, whiney ass bitches didn't want him there, from families of victims, to senators, to everyday ignorant jack asses. So where did he end up speaking? CNN, with Paula fuggin Zaun (sp?).


They had a chance to stick the guy in with his peers and let then mutiliate him properly. Instead, he got put on NATIONAL TELIVISION with a fucking airhead of an anchor. The Shark got denied the shark tank and tossed in with a guppy, the gladiator got matched against a little girl. How fucking stupid was that?


Let him talk, let people hear him, and let people form opinions. I'm sick of this pussy ass american "I'm afraid of other ideas" bullshit. This nation stinks of people that dont want to think. If you disagree with im and dont htink he should be alowed to speak, your a fucking communist, plain and simple.

If he's such a nut, and he's so full of shit, why dont you want him to be able to speak to the masses?


honnestly he's nothing to worry about, for the simple fact that he appeals the the ultra left crowd. A segment of the pupulation that follows a cause passionately....for about a week. Ultimately they form their own cliques within their "movement", end up bitching and moaning among themselves and never get anything accomplished. You all should have seen him talk on CSPAN a couple days ago. Actualy a decent dissertation, though pissed off speakers tend to come off a bit batty. The funny part came from his Q and A session at the end. The people in his crowd were obviously all liberal arts majors, or just plain fucking stupid. graemlins/nonono.gif

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I saw a speach of his on c-span today, He said that he had the right to say what he wanted, because of the first amendment, yet people at a columbus day parade were not becuse in his view, it violated the 9th amendment. (if you don't know what it is, read it.)


he's about handing the land back to the indians and making everyone today feel bad for what happend generations ago, just another liberal hippie hack, only i think that's an understatement, he's king of the liberl hippie hacks.

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Guest jpurdy2003

I googled some. While I'm pretty far to the left, the dude seems like a nutjob.


I'm all for letting him speak. The first amendment allows him free speech. However, the first amendment does not say anything about freedom from the consequences of his speech.


FWIW, I was watching an episode of 20/20 where they interviewed a former al qaeda operative turned US informant. He said that the WTC was targeted because a large number of Jews worked there. Not due to its symbolism.

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Originally posted by (Insert screen name here):

1:I googled some. While I'm pretty far to the left, the dude seems like a nutjob.


2:However, the first amendment does not say anything about freedom from the consequences of his speech.


3:He said that the WTC was targeted because a large number of Jews worked there. Not due to its symbolism.

1: amen

2: the wording of his contract with the university actualy kinda sounds like he's required to say all this stuff if'n he beleives it. Thus, its technicaly illegal for anyone from the university or state to try and make him stop.

3: yep. Pretty stupid ass reason. They were also bmotivated byt he fact that the failed at it once already. The pentagon, however, there was no question why they targeted that, and thats where this goon said the "little Ikemans" were.

Originally posted by Shrek:


I saw a speach of his on c-span today, He said that he had the right to say what he wanted, because of the first amendment, yet people at a columbus day parade were not becuse in his view, it violated the 9th amendment. (if you don't know what it is, read it.)

Yeah I saw that too, looked like he was struggling to pull that one outa his ass. The 9th is a pretty odd one, says something along the lines of; you cant sight one amendment to deny another.
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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> That douchebag works at my school. They just had a rally for him at the University Memorial Center, and alot of people showed up. He did well until they had the audience question him, and after I think the third question he said he wasn't answering any more and left.


One of the best questions was something to the effect of how could he call those people Nazi's when he himself makes over $90,000 a year. He replied that he never said he was innocent. What a load of BS. Put one of his family members in that tower and then see if he calls them fucking Nazis.


He lied about his military record, he lied about his ethnicity as an American Indian, and as far as I'm concerned, he lied about the Trade Center. Freedom of speech is one thing, but I think that people are just defending him because he supports their viewpoint of an anti-capitalistic, anti-white, anti-right wing Christian America, and not because they think what he did was right. graemlins/nonono.gif

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Originally posted by Folkvang:

He lied about his military record, he lied about his ethnicity as an American Indian, and as far as I'm concerned, he lied about the Trade Center. Freedom of speech is one thing, but I think that people are just defending him because he supports their viewpoint of an anti-capitalistic, anti-white, anti-right wing Christian America, and not because they think what he did was right. graemlins/nonono.gif

And George Bush is a lying moron, too. People just defend him for the same reasons, he supports their right wing views, not because they think half the shit he does is right. Making it legal for illegal immigrants to work and get drivers liscenses here, even republicans are saying "what the fuck?"
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Tenzig, your off topic, BTW, your wrong too, but that's for another thread.


As far as this douchebag, he see's his 15 minutes, he said something, that I feel as a left winger, that he does whole heartedly believe. Having NO idea the outcome of the statement when it was made. So he said it. Once the backlash started and his 15 minutes started, as opposed to backing down from the statemetn and falling straight the hell back into obscurity, he stood behind his statement, which in reality is at least admirable, even if it did piss off a nation, except for a few left wing fringe fucks that are so far out there that they will never be happy until we are a communist socialistic society, and then they will still bitch.


The guy is riding the media wave, no differnt than the fuck that is sueing the state of Texas over the Ten Commandments on the statehouse lawn. Which isn't out of the ordinary in this day, except for the fact that the fucker is a HOMELESS LAWYER. Just how in the fuck do you become a LAWYER, then become homeless. The dude sleep in a tent, in a city park, but he's being a FEDERAL case against Texas while being HOMELESS. Just who the fuck is paying for this shit???


We all long to be famous, to get our 15 minutes, these are stories of two fucktards that are doing it wrong. And for the one that said that 2400 people deserved to die, even if it was taken out of context, which I realize it was, will possibly get him killed, and get his ass kicked for sure.

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Tenzig:

And George Bush is a lying moron, too. People just defend him for the same reasons, he supports their right wing views, not because they think half the shit he does is right. Making it legal for illegal immigrants to work and get drivers liscenses here, even republicans are saying "what the fuck?"

<font color ="midnightblue"> Actually, I agree with alot of what George Bush has done. That's why I voted for him. I don't agree with everything, but then what's that quote about pleasing everyone all the time, and how it can't be done? And you're wrong about another thing: most conservatives (those that I know of, at least), vote because of their convictions, not because they want to continue to hold office. Holding representative office without having your representative voice your concerns is stupid.


Now, on the other hand, I agree with nothing Ward Churchill said, and politics aside, I think you have to be pretty far down on the intellectual scale to put any credit in his philosophies. But, he will have his 15 minutes, and we will forget about him, and someday someone will mention his name and we will wonder whatever happened to a pretentious, self-important, egotistical lunkhead with nothing better to do than espouse illogical rhetoric at a campus full of impressionable and indoctrinated students, who, as Aristotle would say, pursue action over wisdom.


Fuck Ward Churchill, fuck media buzz-words, and fuck the system that allows him to say something like that and at the same time condems Rush Limbaugh when he speaks his mind.



Originally posted by desperado:

We all long to be famous, to get our 15 minutes, these are stories of two fucktards that are doing it wrong. And for the one that said that 2400 people deserved to die, even if it was taken out of context, which I realize it was, will possibly get him killed, and get his ass kicked for sure.

<font color ="midnightblue">


I agree with most of what you said, except this paragraph. I've read what Churchill wrote, and it wasn't taken out of context. The media didn't need to do a thing to make him look like an ass--that fact was self-evident by his ridiculously myopic claims.


Secondly, that's not the only thing that's going to get him fired. His arrogant, self-righteous and pompous attitude towards the college and its administration are going to get him fired. I believe he is quoted insulting the administrators and the board of regents who are evaluating his case, saying something to the effect that he doesn't work for them and he doesn't need their support. Like hell he doesn't. Just wait 'till the pay-checks stop coming in.

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I heard something said the other day, can't remember if it was on TV or what but if is fitting here and worth repeating.


We live in a country where we are free. We hold these freedoms above all else, and one of the MOST cherished freedoms is the freedom of speech, our right as citizens of the United States of America give us the Constutionally protected right to say ANYTHING we want. However, no where in the constution are you protected from taking an ass kicking for excersizing that right at an improper time, or with an improper comment.

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