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Titties or Ass or Face?


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Which to you douches like? Bigger titties? or a bigger ass?


For example.


Say you get an 80 LB chick.. with C cup titties and no ass.. but has a REALLY ugly ass face.


Or.. would you have a better looking face and she was a little chubby.. and had a bigger arse and smaller chest. Or maybe a bit of both.


Or. She was skinny as hell, had no ass, no chest, but had a REALLY beautiful face.


Which would you pick. No real reason. Just a thought popped into my mind. And there is no "well, if I had my choice I'd pick a c cup woman, with a beautiful face and ass.".. just.. which would you rather prefer?

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Fellas, in the end it all comes downto which one treats ya better. ;)

I got one thats about 7/10 across the board, but with tiny boobies, and I'm more then fine with that. ;)


If it has wheels or Tits, it's probably trouble. Therefore the tits are directly proportional to the trouble. ;)

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