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change to smoking ban?


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Originally posted by O.G.:

I hope it passes. I'm not really affected by it much, but if I want to have a cigarette I don't think I should be singled out. Taking a shower can kill you too if you slip and fall should we ban that too?

why should we have to just deal with it if you want to smoke? You should just deal with it and go outside.
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Originally posted by Shitaro:

why should we have to just deal with it if you want to smoke? You should just deal with it and go outside.

Turn that around why should I have to stand outside in the snow or rain to smoke just becuase you don't. Last time I checked smoking was legal if your over 18.


or maybe we should ban the internal combustion engine becuase it pollutes the air, you'd be all over that right becuase all of you non smokers with your cats cut off and emission systems removed are all about breathing clean air right...

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Originally posted by O.G.:

Turn that around why should I have to stand outside in the snow or rain to smoke just becuase you don't. Last time I checked smoking was legal if your over 18.


or maybe we should ban the internal combustion engine becuase it pollutes the air, you'd be all over that right becuase all of you non smokers with your cats cut off and emission systems removed are all about breathing clean air right...

very good point i am glad that some one sees my point of view.
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Originally posted by Veritas:

still don't care. smoking ='s lame and causes death



as a reformed four pack a day smoker i hope it passes too. let me ask which kills you faster?

a person smoking a cigarette or a drunk driver smoking a cigarette that hits you with his car at

65 mph??????

havent had a cigarette for 16 months but still believe in smokers rights.

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Originally posted by O.G.:

Turn that around why should I have to stand outside in the snow or rain to smoke just becuase you don't. Last time I checked smoking was legal if your over 18.


or maybe we should ban the internal combustion engine becuase it pollutes the air, you'd be all over that right becuase all of you non smokers with your cats cut off and emission systems removed are all about breathing clean air right...

good point
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Originally posted by O.G.:

Turn that around why should I have to stand outside in the snow or rain to smoke just becuase you don't. Last time I checked smoking was legal if your over 18.


or maybe we should ban the internal combustion engine becuase it pollutes the air, you'd be all over that right becuase all of you non smokers with your cats cut off and emission systems removed are all about breathing clean air right...

Because you're going out of your way to fuck up yourself and other people. Im just standing in the bar talking with friends/drinking. Last time I checked, no one died or caught cancer from that shit.



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Unfortuunatly 99% of people are looking at this subject thinking only of themselves.


Last i checked we live in a country of freedom, free to go where you want when you want, to not go somewhere if you do not want too.


The Problem is people are emotionally charged over it and not thinking thier clearest either way. This issue has NOTHING to do with the rights of a smoker, there is nothing in the constitution that says you can smoke wherever you want! On the other hand, this has nothing to do with the NON-smoker, there is Nothing in the constitution that says you are entitled to clean air while in a buiness that YOU choose to go to!


The true issue, the one that the media wants to avoid, is a valid complaint of this law infringing on the rights of a buisness owner to run THIER buisness anyway they choose! The government can't tell you that you can't smoke in your house, can they? NOT YET~! Ben Franklin said, "the price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

once you allow people to take small rights away, even in a way that sounds attractive and good in it's intention, you are starting down a slope that will lead to giving up further freedoms, what will it be 10 years from now? telling you you can't smoke in your house? It could happen.


Freedom means protecting the things you don't like, even though you dissagree with it.

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Guest GSRchick714

I don't smoke but I think that people should be allowed to smoke ...its legal so how are they going to ban it? Maybe they should just start something like a smoking license :confused:

Kind of like when stores need a liquor license to sell alcohol...places would need a smoking license to let people smoke...haha I dont know wtf I'm talking about but I think people should be allowed to smoke at places like bars..

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Thank you Joel.


Applebee's corporation decided a year ago that they didn't want smoking in any of their resteraunts. That was *their* decision to do so. They lost alcohol sales, but that was fine with them since they were trying to create a more family oriented atmosphere. I support that they made their own decision about it, and don't go there very often for it.


This ban takes away the business owners ability to choose. If things continue in this direction, how long until prohibition comes back? I know it's a long stretch, but what will prevent it? Smoking may damage a person's lungs, but drinking destroy's a person's liver, and causes more traffic wrecks than anything else. So what's the real problem here, nonsmokers being a little annoyed by being around smoke, or massive amounts of people dieing from drunk drivers? I bet almost everyone on here knows someone that was killed or injured by a drunk driver. How many know someone that died of secondhand smoke?

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I think its nice to not have all the smoke in bars, I went to billiards club to see a friend play a show and it was so nice to not have smoke strangulating me while I was watching the show, I could also see clearly instead of the normal haze that filled the place. Even though I do agree with Joel on how our freedoms are slowly being taken away.
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I personally am a non smoker but I agree 100% with Shrek, I like not having smoking at the restaraunts. However I still think that it should be up to business owners how they want to run their business. I think it was a good responsible move for applebees to go non smoking, even though it hurt their business. If smoke really bothers you that much, then you shouldn't be somewhere that allows smoking, either get over it or don't go there.
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Guest GSRchick714
Originally posted by Montego7:

If smoke really bothers you that much, then you shouldn't be somewhere that allows smoking, either get over it or don't go there.

I agree BUT you could say the same thing reversed...if you really have to smoke that bad and the restaurant doesn't allow it, go somewhere else!!

...But like I said before, I don't smoke so I could care less if its not allowed in restaurants..doesnt bother me really but I do think it should be allowed in bars, it just makes sense.

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Originally posted by nicktcfcsb:

I wish that smoking killed people faster so people would be less likley to bitch about not being able to. Like Mitch Hedberg said "quiting smoking is as hard as starting to floss."

ya, I'm sick of hearing about it...


I have an idea... tax the SHIT out of cigarettes and give us non-smokers the money... maybe a tax break or something...


as far as it effecting bars... it doesn't... that's total bullshit... when I was in Cali, you can't smoke inside there and the bars were packed!

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fookin smokers.. lazy ass people wont go outside to help keep my young lungs CLEAN.


To those that do it and dont bitch, I THANK YOU for the support. To those who bitch, youre just lazy and wont go outside in the cold and smoke. Come summer time, youre views will change.

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That is absolutely not true here about it not affecting bars. It definitely does hurt their business if they are near an area that allows smoking, people will drive the extra couple minutes so they can smoke inside. In Cali they can't smoke inside anywhere so it doesn't matter which bar people go to.
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