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Nice massive multiplayer role playing game


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Anyone remember Tradewars 2002 from back in the BBS days?

I found a similar, but way cooler game Called Star Sonata. Its awesome. They just had a server reset so all the old bases and stuff are being deleted and new universe created. If your into it you should check it out.



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Originally posted by Ricochet:

Any major mudd players? I was one hell of a ninja in that game.. Oh and I kicked ass in legend of the red dragon too. Where did you all play at? I was on Heartland a lot.

there were a couple of BBS's back in Marietta that we were on
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the link is http://www.starsonata.com/

Its free to demo the game up to level 20 which should take a person like 50 to 100 hours of play time to reach. Then its only $10 to own it.

I'm definately buying it.


If anyone gets online hook up with me. My name is Evan W



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