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*help* The Page cannot be displayed


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I am having some serious internet problems. The vast majority of websites that I visit not be displayed. That is all i get. I can refresh until my finger is blistered, it doesn't matter. For somereason I have no problem with CR, however I usualy can't view links. It appears IE can only load websites that I have visited before. It will load other sites sometimes but usually not.


I'm on Road runner. I connect through a Linksys wireless G router and I'm using a D-Link wifiB adaptor. The odd part is: Mike and Adam aren't having any problems.

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seriosuly. this is fucking rediculous. it started working fine for a while, but now it doesn't work at all. Columbusracing.com is literally the only website i can access. That is fucking weird. Every other site of the planet can not be displayed. not Yahoo.com, not microsoft.com, not even the microsoft windows update page. If someone posts a link on cr to another site, nope! i can't display that either! I cleared the history, the cookies, the temp files and i reset IE settings, including homepage.


Trillian pro 3 can connect to AIM, but Pest Patrol can't connect to update itself.

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You have a browser takeover trojan. Frist try running Adware, the other thing to do is look at the hosts file (C:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) and see what is in there as far as entries. If there is ANYTHING listed besides localhost then delete it, but don't delete the localhost entry.


The problem that you are experiencing is a DNS related problem. they going to the IP of a website or two. ( is mine, that would go into the browser as and see what happens.


Virus scanners will typically NOT clean this type of shit. YOu will need an anti spyware/adware removal tool. Get on with another PC and go download Adaware Personal for www.lavesoftusa.com. I have used that numerous times and it has always worked.

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Originally posted by desperado:

You have a browser takeover trojan. Frist try running Adware, the other thing to do is look at the hosts file (C:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) and see what is in there as far as entries. If there is ANYTHING listed besides localhost then delete it, but don't delete the localhost entry.


The problem that you are experiencing is a DNS related problem. they going to the IP of a website or two. ( is mine, that would go into the browser as and see what happens.


Virus scanners will typically NOT clean this type of shit. YOu will need an anti spyware/adware removal tool. Get on with another PC and go download Adaware Personal for www.lavesoftusa.com. I have used that numerous times and it has always worked.

I have Pest Patrol and Adaware and update both and run them frequently. Adaware found 2 tracking cookies, PP found nothing.


In my C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc directory the following files exist: Host 1kb, Imhosts (SAM file) 4kb, networks 1kb, protocol 1kb, services 7kb. Windows doesn't know how to open any of the files if i try and open them.

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Adam said he has been having the same problem lately, and we're both connected wirelessly to a Linksys WRT54G router. At the moment, my connection is working fine, but that could change without any notice at all. When I was having probs last week i reset the router, and that seemed to fix the prob, but it has done it a couple times since. Could the router be at fault? Does it need a firm-ware upgrade? Do I need to reset it with a hammer?
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