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Beer Review: Loft

Guest Ranger_Man

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Guest Ranger_Man

This beer has been recommended to me quite a few times before and as Kelly and I stood in HEB today, I remembered a certain wheelchair bound friend telling me that all New Belgium products were on sale for $5.99. How could I pass this up?


Bottle: The bottle is typical of New Belgium with only one label to speak of. The central label has a large picture in the middle of a kite flying in the air. The picture is, as usual, surrounded by vines and to the right of the picture is some writing that reads as follows:


“The secret ingredient in Loft beer? The answer, my friend, is blowing a 600 kilowatt turbine in Wyoming that powers our brewery. Wind is both the energy source and the inspiration for Loft. In a category all its own, Loft delivers an uplifting zest, a taut line of hoppiness and, from integrated wheat and barley malt, a mouthful as big as the sky.”


Pour: The beer is light and golden in color. The beer smells of citrus, and after careful consideration, I also picked up a hint of pineapple. Loft looks refreshing with a tiny amount of fine carbonation. There is a light, white head that transforms into very fine, clingy lace.


Taste: As with much of New Belgium’s products, this beer does not disappoint. In Ohio we had an area called Amish Country. In this area you could get fresh made apple cider. I am not referring to that store bought imitation trash. The first taste that you receive from the beer reminds me of that fresh apple cider: crisp, yet refreshingly fruity. The carbonation is, as expected, light and cleansing. The fine bubbles make their way across the palate and remove any remaining taste of the malt. The hops are what make this beer impressive. The hops aftertaste is spicy, yet grassy. If you could bottle the smell of fresh cut grass and turn it into a taste, you would have the aftertaste of this beer. Now, that may sound gross, but rest assured that New Belgium pulled it off with finesse.


Overall: This beer is absolutely perfect for this time of year. It is light, refreshing, and absolutely perfect to share with friends out on a balcony or during a cookout.


Kelly says, “This beer is fun and energetic.”



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