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Can nukes from Iran or Korea reach the US?


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On a lighter note:


Q: How many Bush Administration officials does it take to change a light bulb?


A: None. There is nothing wrong with the light bulb; its condition is improving every day. Any reports of its lack of incandescence are illusional spin from the liberal media. Illuminating rooms is hard work. That light bulb has served honorably, and anything you say undermines the lighting effort. Why do you hate freedom?

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

Dude. You can type curse words. It tends to hinder your credibility when you use teenspeak in a political arguement.

the majority of the "real" message boards have a curse filter on them. It's a habit, nothing more. if you actually look at the post prior to my "$hit" statement, you can see i was referencing what was said by the person posting.
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The problem is not what you believe. The problem is your infantile way of displaying it. Quit with the childish display. If you do believe the reason North Korea is developing nuclear weapons, and whether or not they can reach North America, is because of our president, then you can say that. Everything else is unnecessary and devalues your credibility.

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Originally posted by Powered By Geo:



The problem is not what you believe. The problem is your infantile way of displaying it. Quit with the childish display. If you do believe the reason North Korea is developing nuclear weapons, and whether or not they can reach North America, is because of our president, then you can say that. Everything else is unnecessary and devalues your credibility.

so exactly how delusional ARE you? please reference what you consider to be "infantile" if you are going to dismiss someones claims due to the way they were presented. or in your case, the way you THINK they were presented.....
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Originally posted by d3caps:

I agree, Bush is a loose cannon with plenty of idiots standing by him.

you replied to a post that appeared to be calling kim jong-il a loose cannon, which he is, and the people that would support him just to spite us, idiots.
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so the real problem here isnt the manner in which my statement was presented, it is that I am not adhering to your double standard, correct?

Since the claim before that post was in regard to the leader of a country other than the US, it is not "infantile?" It's ok to refer to any head of state in a derogatory fashion as long as they arent the head of THIS state? Gotcha.

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not at all, like i said its nothing about what you belive. You can believe what you want.

You could have simply said "no i believe bush is the loose cannon." Instead of changing the meaning of the previous post in your favor.

I've seen lots of times where a child will ask for a toy, candy, or something like that and the parent will say "no."

But the child will insist and say "yes?" pretending that the parent said "yes" but not because they actually heard that, but because they hope their persistance will cause the parent to give in. This may work on other children but not on adults.

Once again, nothing about what you believe and what I believe, and i hope you can see that. I just think you need a better presentation.

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And PS.


"Kim Jong Ill to the max", as crazy of sucker as he is wont ever lauch missles anywhere near the general direction of Europe or The US. Nuclear weapons provide power, power provides respect, respect provides leverage in all aspects of becoming a "Superpower" which is what China, India, Pakistan, and the like all wish to achieve. The arms race now, like it was before is less about the ability to anhiliate your enemy but the enemy's fear of your ability to do so.

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I think I did say Bush is a loose cannon, and that his supporters are idiots. so exactly what is the problem here? The bush administration edits peoples words and presents things outside of their intended context all the time, so why cant I?
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Originally posted by d3caps:

nobody voted for him to do it in 2000, and it happened anyway....

The same assholes that are still screaming about the 2000 election would have conveniently forgotten about it had Kerry somehow squeaked by in the Ohio election, yet still trailed by 2,000,000+ popular votes nationwide.
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"The same assholes that are still screaming about the 2000 election would have conveniently forgotten about it had Kerry somehow squeaked by in the Ohio election, yet still trailed by 2,000,000+ popular votes nationwide"


because history repeats itself, right? This happened in 2000, when Bush squeaked by in Florida, and lost the popular vote. so you are saying the reactions of the democrats in 04 would have mirrored the reactions of republicans in 00?

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Originally posted by d3caps:

because history repeats itself, right? This happened in 2000, when Bush squeaked by in Florida, and lost the popular vote. so you are saying the reactions of the democrats in 04 would have mirrored the reactions of republicans in 00?

I'm saying that the people complaining about Bush not having the popular vote in 2000 and complaining that the Electoral College doesn't work and that it should be abolished, would have quickly forgotten that stance. They would have been arguing that since Kerry had the majority of electoral votes that he should be pres, even though they felt completely different 4 years ago when they were on the other side.


Was it that difficult a concept to grasp?

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im not a fan of hypocrisy or double standards on either side, which is one reason i am neither republican nor democrat. I do believe that the entire electoral system is in need of a massive overhaul, so that there will not be as many "what ifs" regarding the results.
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Originally posted by d3caps:

I do believe that the entire electoral system is in need of a massive overhaul, so that there will not be as many "what ifs" regarding the results.

What are you talking about? The way it's set up works fairly, so that smaller states can have a chance to make a difference, rather than a small number of populous states (Cali, New York) can control the vote every year.


Answer this:

5 states vote unanimously for candidate A. The remaining 45 states vote unanomously for candidate B. The first 5 states population is equal to that of the smaller 45 states. Which candidate should win?

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to be quite honest, the person with the popular vote should win, regardless of an area's population. one person, one vote. However, I never said electoral college, I said electoral system. This meaning that they should go to a uniform paper ballot for the entire country, and have 2 independent parties count, then recount the results.
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Originally posted by d3caps:

to be quite honest, the person with the popular vote should win, regardless of an area's population. one person, one vote. However, I never said electoral college, I said electoral system. This meaning that they should go to a uniform paper ballot for the entire country, and have 2 independent parties count, then recount the results.

and thats exactly one reason why the southern states tried to leave the union, because based strictly on population they would never win any argument.

The people in one area live their lives differently than people in another area. If i shot a gun off my back porch in dublin, id be in jail, but if i shot my gun off the back porch in some desolate place in montana, itd be time for dinner.

Thats why the current electoral system works, gives power to the smaller states as well as the larger.

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"The people in one area live their lives differently than people in another area. If i shot a gun off my back porch in dublin, id be in jail, but if i shot my gun off the back porch in some desolate place in montana, itd be time for dinner"


the reason behind that being that there is a high chance of a stray bullet injuring someone in dublin, and not in a remote area like montana. You wouldnt go to jail for leading a different lifestyle, you would go to jail for being a retard and shooting a gun off in a populated area. I have had the "privilege" of growing up in an area where I COULD walk outside and shoot a gun off anytime I wanted without fear of repercussions. The people who live in those areas dont need to be voting anyway, trust me...

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Originally posted by d3caps:

The people who live in those areas dont need to be voting anyway, trust me...



Please note that your rhetoric is not converting one single soul over to the Left, so save your breath. I doubt anyone here wants to hear the rest of your agenda...

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Originally posted by Corolla sans Engine:



Please note that your rhetoric is not converting one single soul over to the Left, so save your breath. I doubt anyone here wants to hear the rest of your agenda...

i love how you think that I am here with a leftist agenda. There are plenty of people in cities who vote democrat that dont need to be voting either. come on nostrodamus, what else am I trying to accomplish here?
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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

On a lighter note:


Q: How many Bush Administration officials does it take to change a light bulb?


A: None. There is nothing wrong with the light bulb; its condition is improving every day. Any reports of its lack of incandescence are illusional spin from the liberal media. Illuminating rooms is hard work. That light bulb has served honorably, and anything you say undermines the lighting effort. Why do you hate freedom?

thats the funniest thing ive read in quite some time.
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