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Some asshat broke into our apartment tonight


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While Adam and I were at Applebee's tonight, someone took the liberty of kicking the front door in.


Luckily for us the culprit didn't get away with anything of value. He must have seen the camera in the corner.


Also luckily for us, we mamaged to get a few photos of the thief.


Please be on the look out for this indivual. But be careful. As you can see in the pics, he is armed and considered to be very ghetto.





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The Real story is I received a call to come up to Dublin to hangout(setup) so like a dumbass I go I enter the apartment come to find out one of the 3 residents of the apartment is a very powerful Ross county big shot who owns most of the county he had some friends over waiting for me(I guess rich people get amused by cornering poor old ghetto people and attacking them)So fearing my life I was defending my self from several yuppies I was outnumbered like 50 to 1 I seen a firearm laying there and my ghetto instincts kick in so I fought the blood thristy yuppie mob off and ran for my life.I'm lucky to be alive today :eek:
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