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Yeah, CR was closed


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It started with Cogent (the server host) having connectivity problems earlier in the day. Our server was effected.


That being said, I took the time to go ahead and do my yearly topic archiving, topic pruning, and membership deleting for those over six months old and having zero posts. Then after all that, I get to re-construct the board...every single topic, post, and member.


It's gotta be done annualy. So, deal with it smile.gif

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Originally posted by Regulate:

It started with Cogent (the server host) having connectivity problems earlier in the day. Our server was effected.


That being said, I took the time to go ahead and do my yearly topic archiving, topic pruning, and membership deleting for those over six months old and having zero posts. Then after all that, I get to re-construct the board...every single topic, post, and member.


It's gotta be done annualy. So, deal with it smile.gif

If there is something other members can do to help let us know.
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Originally posted by Assured Risk:

If there is something other members can do to help let us know.

Not really, these are all Admin functions that I handle personally. Alex and Chris stay outta this one ;)


The only thing I can think of is to find people with zero posts, whether they be a friend or someone you know, and have them start posting. That's less people I get to delete graemlins/nod.gif

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