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beat up a satan worshiper...


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But seriously, if it can be proven they beat him up for being a "satinist" rather than just being dressed in goth, then that IS a hate crime (by the usage of assult do to race/religion).


The whole my alliegance is to Satan thing is retarded.....yeah, there's a place you want to go! But that doesn't mean the guy deserves to have the crap beat out of him for it.

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Originally posted by Just Another F-body:

he hates judaism but works in a bagel store....

BAHAHAHAHHHAHHAAH! Thats some good shit right there! tongue.gif


And yeah, the kid is a pratz, but its still a hate crime, punish those fucks. Honnestly, its a phase lil adolescents go through, and the only sure fire way of prolonging it is by appozing it.

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Originally posted by Harris92:

Im suprised that they got charged with a hate crime over 12 stiches. That seems a bit harsh

You're missing the point. That it is a hate crime has nothing to do with the severity of the injuries inflicted.


Personally, I'm glad to see the law being applied in this way in this case. It demonstrates consistency.

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Guest Harris92
Originally posted by Venomss:

[/qb]You're missing the point. That it is a hate crime has nothing to do with the severity of the injuries inflicted.


Personally, I'm glad to see the law being applied in this way in this case. It demonstrates consistency. [/QB]

In theory, its great, and it makes sense. My point is that Im kind of suprised that they went through with charging this. I agree, it good to see that they stayed consistent on both sides of the coin, and didnt blow it off because he has different beliefs than the norm
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Originally posted by Venomss:

Personally, I'm glad to see the law being applied in this way in this case. It demonstrates consistency.[/QB]

I agree, if those boys were not punished with a hate crime but others like a Satan worshipper who beat up a Christian was then where would we be. We would be even more hypocritical than we already are.
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Can somebody please explain to me why we need a charge of hate crime. Wouldnt assault be just as good here, I mean it doesnt matter if you beat somebody up because of their race, religion, or sexual preference the fact is you still assaulted them and should be punished accordingly.
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They are being punished accordingly, they beat some one up because he worshipped Satan and they didn't agree with him, hence the hate crime, I think the punishment fits the crime just well.
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I seriously doubt the kids actually beat this guy up for "worshipping Satan." I'm sure it was because he was different and they were scared of his way of expressing himself. Also, im sure there was some sort of past conflict between the 2 parties that's just not mentioned in the article.
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Originally posted by Republicant:

People who worship satan should be tortured... I mean, that's what they want anyway, isn't it? That's what Hell is all about. I say we strap em to boards and poke 'em with soddering irons all day, see how long it takes for em to wish christ would save them.

Are you that clueless about the satanic folk? No one wants to burn in hell and be tortured for an eternity. The basic premis behind devil worship can be summed up in a movie quote; Better to rule in hell then serve in heaven. They want to got to hell when they die, but not to be punished. They want to be there to administer the torture to the kids that beat his ass because they maturbated too much, or to you for your premarital sex and constant judging of people.

By static and fundementalist christian standards every last person on this planet is hell bound.


Of course, there is no Jahova, no Bielzebub, and no hell, so who the fuck realy cares what the kid worships?

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As odd as it sounds, the kids charged in this could build a defense on the seperation of church and state and have the hate crime thing thrown out. In charging them with a hate crime they are recognizing religon. The loney liberals will have no part of that. So as far as a hate crime goes, I bet that gets tossed and it becomes a simply assault charge.


I am not saying that I agree with this, I am only stating a possible course of action with reguards to the current mentality of society and the commie leftists.

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Originally posted by Tenzig:

The basic premis behind devil worship can be summed up in a movie quote; Better to rule in hell then serve in heaven.

Actually, if I'm not mistaken, that quote is from Milton's Paradise Lost, which is an epic poem.
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Originally posted by morabu:

it's the law working as it should, even though the little devil worshipper getting a whole lot of a christ knucle sandwich was pretty funny!!!!

I guess I missed the bible verse that teaches "an eye for an eye", rather than forgiveness.


Also, desperado, the first amendment protects citizens' rights to exercize religion, any religion. The only thing a seperation of church and state does is prohibit the government from recognizing one religion as more correct than another. They must recognize all religions and treat them equally. So really, a seperation of church and state only confirms that this is a hate crime.


I really doubt that kid is a satanist, BTW. Anybody ever read LeVay?

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Hate crime laws should be thrown out the window.


Whether I blow your brains out because you stole my car, fucked my wife, raped my daughter, pissed in my coffee, or you worship Satan, guess what, the end result is the same...


you still had your brains blown out.

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Originally posted by NurkVinny:

Hate crime laws should be thrown out the window.


Whether I blow your brains out because you stole my car, fucked my wife, raped my daughter, pissed in my coffee, or you worship Satan, guess what, the end result is the same...


you still had your brains blown out.

You'd hate him for any one of those reasons.
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