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Playing the race card


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Taken from Chuck Shepherd's News of the Weird :


Thinking Outside the Box: It was a black male police officer who arrested her, and a black female officer who searched her, but drunk-driving suspect Donna Mills, who is a black New York City judge, still played the race card at her March trial. According to a New York Post report, Mills' lawyer said that the presence of the black officers meant that Mills' race-card defense was being undermined, and that that in itself might be evidence of police racism. (Mills was acquitted, but in subsequent interviews, jurors said the racism argument was inconsequential.) [New York Post, 3- 24-04, 3-31-04]



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Damn I am sick of this shit. Race Card??? Black, white, yellow or pink with pokadots, we are all the same, skin color is fucking meaningless. We are ALL Americans, and we are all human beings. Any deviation from this is racist. You want to hate something, hate stupidity, wipe it out, kill it, educate people that there is no difference, and playing race cards is being a biggot, and is stupid.

There are a very few in society that do this sort of shit that drive wedges between everyone else.


And its assholes like the great Reverend Jackson that keep this shit going. Cuz if we all got along and not paid attention to this silly shit, they would be out of a job.

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Guest jpurdy2003

People voted her on to the bench? graemlins/wtf.gifgraemlins/nonono.gif


People like her are why a lot of legitimate racism goes unpunished.

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Originally posted by Jack Pee:

People voted her on to the bench? graemlins/wtf.gifgraemlins/nonono.gif


People like her are why a lot of legitimate racism goes unpunished.

um, what exactly is "legitimate racism"?
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Tony_K:

People named Jack can't seem to leave once they say goodbye! :Dtongue.gif (doh!)

I'm hours from leaving. I just figured I should start that thread ahead of time.
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by fooschnicken:

When it actually happens, and is not part of a ploy to get money/revenge.



For example: if an employer says "We won't hire you because you're black," that's a legitimate complaint. If an employer says "We won't hire you because (insert fuck-up at old employer here)" and the person plays the race card, that's an abuse of the system.

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that would lend ligitimacy to playing the race card, not to being a racist.


For example: if an employer says "We won't hire you because you're black," that's a legitimate complaint.
i think that may be the most racist thing ive seen anyone post on this website, ever.
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Here we go!!!!


What he said is right. If you are discriminated against, based on age, sex, nationality or any other recognized definition of minority then you have a valid bitch. And I do not have a problem with that.


People that use their status as a minority to further their personal agenda, or personal gain (including getting jobs and staying out of jail or other legal issues) are as much a racist as the Grand Wizard of the KKK in my eyes. And more so they are not trying to further the unity of all with their actions nor are they trying to get treated equally. They are looking for prefential treatment due to their status as a minority.

These are the people that feel that they are owed something from society, and in this specific case from white America. Got news, I don't owe nobody shit. My family don't owe no body shit. My family fought in the Revolutionary War, to create this country, my family fought for the Union in the Civil War, to reunite the nation, equally, under one flag. So no one better accuse me of owing them shit, and great granddad, on the other side or the family tree was a Maumee Indian. So, I can bitch louder than anyone else. And have more right, but I don't, I am an American, I am not proud of some of the things that have gone on in this country, but it's mine, and you better damn well respect it.


I am sick of this racist bullshit, we are Americans damn it, and we need to start fucking acting like it. ONE NATION, not this group and that group, and they owe us, and those guys are out to get us, and keep us for having equal rights.


[ 07. May 2004, 02:24 PM: Message edited by: Desperado ]

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