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This is terrible!


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Did anyone listen to the Howard stern show.. I'm not sure what day it was but where they had the "guess the noise" and it was either Terri Schiavo, a humpback whale, or a clip from a porno? Or something along those lines, correct me if I'm wrong. I say just let her die. But that blog is hilarious.
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The problem i have with the situation, is not that they are pulling the feeding tube. It's that they will not let her parents even TRY to feed her manually. Thier reason, She might choke to death!!!!
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Originally posted by why does the easter bunny hide eggs:

The problem i have with the situation, is not that they are pulling the feeding tube. It's that they will not let her parents even TRY to feed her manually. Thier reason, She might choke to death!!!!

she's about garaunteed to choke to death. The reason she needs the tube is because she cannot operate her mouth or esophogus. Give her food, she chokes, give her water, she drowns. The reason they wont let her stupid parent do that and kill her; they could be sued or loose thei liscense for neglegence.

This shit never should have made the news. Ya cant blame the parents for trying to keep their daughter alive, but this is a private matter, they dragged their daughters name through the mud.


what pisses me off is the footage we see. We always see the same shot of a half ass smile and open eys, like she's looking at some one. Truth is, th eeyes are just staring off, her mom positions herself in the line of sight for photo's, to make it look like terri is looking at her and smiling.

bring on the autopsy and lets get this over with. R.I.P.

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Originally posted by Tenzig:

she's about garaunteed to choke to death. The reason she needs the tube is because she cannot operate her mouth or esophogus. Give her food, she chokes, give her water, she drowns. The reason they wont let her stupid parent do that and kill her; they could be sued or loose thei liscense for neglegence.


This shit never should have made the news. Ya cant blame the parents for trying to keep their daughter alive, but this is a private matter, they dragged their daughters name through the mud.

They have never tried. Your not a doctor. Really, is drowning more or less appealing than starving?


On the other hand, why put all the blame on the parents, what is so wrong with the husband who now has 2 kids with another woman, giving up custody? If these were really her wishes why did it take him 7 years to come out and say it?

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Originally posted by why does the easter bunny hide eggs:

If these were really her wishes why did it take him 7 years to come out and say it?

Look what happened when he did, there's your answer. He knew what their reaction would be, so he put it off.

"They never tried" because they're friggin doctors. They knew what was going on with her body and its control mechanisms, so no, they didnt try, they knew she couldn't swallow.


No I am not a doctor, but this is something I'm very familiar with because I was involved in the exact same situation with my grandmother after her stroke. Lucky for her, she was able to communicate her wishes through a series of whisps and nods, she didnt want the tube. It wasn't easy, and my aunt tried to fight it, but in the end it couldn't be denied that it was for the best.


And yes, drowning is less apealing hten starving. It's painful, it sends you into convulsions and your body tried to fight it, have you ever inhaled water? Starving, on th eother hand, is a much more peacefull way to go. you feel nothing, especialy if medicated. You eventualy fall asleep and never wake up.


There's too many people tryingto get involved in this that have no fucking clue what is going on. If you're a person of faith, why would you have a problem with her shuffling loose the mortal coil?

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Originally posted by why does the easter bunny hide eggs:

If these were really her wishes why did it take him 7 years to come out and say it?

He was giving up on his wife. I'm sure it was a hard decision that took a long time. The guy probably isn't the heartless bastard everyone accuses him of being.
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Originally posted by Mensan:

He was giving up on his wife. I'm sure it was a hard decision that took a long time. The guy probably isn't the heartless bastard everyone accuses him of being.

that would be relivant if he were saying he cannot bear it any more. but instead his argument was it was her wishes.


also if he was giving up on her, why not give custody to the parents and move on?


I hope i'm wrong, but i think he will benefit finacially from her death.

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Guest stvbreal
Ask youself this question. What if your loved one was in that situation? What kind of life does she have? What kind of life do the husband and parents have? I know what I would do. I would have pulled the tube the day I found out she would never be normal again. And for anyone that would say "that's a human life no matter what", save it. That's not living laying in a bed, not be able to talk, eat on yer own, not being able to basically take care of yourself in the simplest way. That's not living. I would hope that if I got in that situation my loved ones would do the right thing and send me to a better place.
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Originally posted by why does the easter bunny hide eggs:

that would be relivant if he were saying he cannot bear it any more. but instead his argument was it was her wishes.

.....ok, imagien how well THAT would have gone over.

"I want you to pull her feedign tube"


"because I'm ready to move on"



Originally posted by EvilEvo:

And for anyone that would say "that's a human life no matter what"

whats funny is, none of them said that about any of the Iraqi civilians that die during our invasion, they were acceptable losses".


I missed the part in the bible where Jesus said; "And thou shalt elect officials to decide who lives and who dies."

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Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly, Terry...


the capitalist infrastructure of the United States Government DOES stifle small, privately owned businesses, both through tax hikes, and through captial grants to bigger businesses, it is hard to compete nowadays, I appreciate your input on this topic, it has really opened my eyes......


of course, you can barely open yours, but that's beside the point.......


12:52 AM

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