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i am a daddy again update w/ pics


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well i am off to the hospital they are going to enduse the wife today. so i am gonna be a dad again. i am having another boy. so wish me luck and hope there is no complications. ill keep you all informed.

i am doing my part to keep CR alive for years to come. so reserve me a spot antony for the newest member. (well maybe in a few years) smile.gif:D


[ 21. April 2005, 12:36 AM: Message edited by: Ridenred27 ]

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well he is a april fools baby he was born at 1:30 am 6lb 1oz and 21inchs long all is good for now he goes to childrens for more observation. he has a hole in his heart that will need operated on at some point but he may not need it for a year or he may have it done tomorrow. but the survival rate is very high so he will be in my prayers. if he is anything like my stubborn ass he will pull through this like a champ. but as of 1:30 the docter and the other specialsts (sp) he is very healthy and is doing good. i do have to say that it is a very special moment in life to see a child come into the world, not as many tears as my oldest son but just as special. graemlins/cry.gif (any of the other members here with children would know what i am talking about)


any way thanks for all the congrats you all and hope for the best with the little one

oh and tears bla bla grown man bla bla its all good. :rolleyes:graemlins/thumb.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

well i know it has been a while since my newest was born there has bee a lot going on. \

first thing we named him conner james mccandless he was born at st anns on april first weighed in at a whopping 6lb 1 oz and 21in long.

12 hours later he went into surgury for a problem with his throut (sp) in wich they fixed the problem but they medicly paralized him for almost a week because they didnt want anything irritating the sutures, he was on a ventalater had a chest drain tube a feeding and a whole mess of other sensors to moniter his vitals. ( they actually repaired the problem through the chest cavity)i have to say that that has been the hardest thing i have ever delt with. i held conner for a total of 10 mins before i handed him to shani(mother) and have not got to hold him since. but the good news we get to bring conner home friday :D i cant wait. it has been way to long the waiting and all. plus we have a two year old black lab and she has been moping around since shani left for the hospital (those here with animals know how a pet sences things are not right)carisma was under shani's feet the last week of the pregenetsy she could tell the time was coming, i know it sound corney but i am looking forward to having all my children (including carisma)and wife happy and at home.

we are not completly out of the woods yet this is just the first problem. next step is to have his heart repaired. if he keeps it up the doc's will wait as long as possible, so he can build up his ammun system and just strenthen up more. he definatly has my stubborn streak and the strong will to live he pulled through this like a trooper. any who i am gonna quit rambling

oh one last thing thank you all for all of the prayers and the well wishers. it really helped me be mentaly strong and have faith. i cant say it enought thanks.

check him out




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Congrats! I know its hard, when my first was born he was having trouble breathing on his own and was transported to mt carmel and hour after he was born. He was in the icu there for 10 days. He pulled through it and is a very healthy 2 year old now. wow... where does the time go. I wish you the best!
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