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Job hunting..Any help??


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Originally posted by Skinner.:

tek systems in Dublin.

I may curren tly working through here at nationwide.

Y ou'll needa resume but starting paying is usally at $15 an hr depending on expirence.


888 818 9697

Well I called them..I wonder how long it will take for them to help me out.
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How is the IT market doing in columbus now? I gave up on computers and got back into field servicing copier, printers, and some networking.


It seems UNIX experience has been in demand even through the recession though. I know very little about it myself.



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Guest Viruskb
Alliance data systems is not to bad of a place and we are going to be in need of pc tech ( july) soon. The pay is good and we get a tons of free food and beer.
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Originally posted by Viruskb:

Alliance data systems is not to bad of a place and we are going to be in need of pc tech ( july) soon. The pay is good and we get a tons of free food and beer.

And which one is that? I know there are a few around town.
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Originally posted by Viruskb:

Alliance data systems is not to bad of a place and we are going to be in need of pc tech ( july) soon. The pay is good and we get a tons of free food and beer.

Beer? What? 5 years with them, and I've NEVER gotten a free beer!!!



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Originally posted by Ironray75:

rofl..I wish.I know about UNIX and LINUX but I am not there yet.

You've always got to ask. smile.gif We have three open positions at work so if anyone is interested let me know and I can get you some more information. Its mostly Solaris and AIX though we don't have much Linux going on.
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Guest stvbreal
IT job market is tough. I have 10 years PC tech experience and 5+years experience in HW/SW support. It's been over a year and I still can't find anything. I must have sent out over 30 resumes.
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Steve, you should seriously look into jobs in other states. Example, Atlanta I was down there in October and thought I'd fuck around and apply with a temp agency. I got 3 call backs in my hotel that day and a few more over the weekend. Also I have a good friend at CNN and they need IS/IT people bad. Unfortunetly if your under 24 good luck getting a job.



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Guest stvbreal
I am considering moving to Denver. Hell, I'm 33 with many years experience and still can't secure a damn job in this city. :( It might be time to move on.
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I'm under 24 and it almost kept me from getting this job. Having friends, and 5 years real world exp helped though. Honestly for Linux most real big companies still aren't all the way there yet because its still new and its hard for them to justfiy using it. They still use a lot of big iron stuff ( Solaris, AIX, hell even HP-UX ) because it has nice support and they have someone to blame if something bad happens. So I wouldn't count those out in your learning of UNIX operating systems.
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