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Everyone coming to the club this Friday night


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Remeber guys, get there before 12 tonight for the passes to work. Also again thanks to everyone who shows up and thanks Chris Greene for sticking the thread for acouple days. Remeber if you gotta pay, come see me in VIP and I will get a beer. smile.gif
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OK guys, the site seems to be down right now, working on getting it back up. Remeber, put my Initials on the back of them. (SD). If for some reason I cant the links back up in time, I will have some down there for you. I will either leave out on my windshield of my car or will be at the door getting them to you.


Again guys, this is why I like this site, everyone helps everyone out. I so appreciate this. If turns out good, I promise I will have a car show dedicated to CR and everyone can come down there for with their cars and have a good time.

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