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Men's 200m


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How about that? The Greek fans booed the US runners for 10 minutes before the race, because they blamed the American team for their star runner not showing up for a drug test (yeah, like that makes sense). :rolleyes:


So what did our guys do? Just swept the fucking race. Gold, silver, bronze. Right on! graemlins/thumb.gif

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I saw that. The Greek fans are earning themselves a reputation for being unsportsmanlike and obnoxious. Of all the highlights of this year's olympics, I think that most people are going to remember the booing at the men's highbar and the men's 200m the most. That's really kind of sad. It rocks that our boys made the first 200m sweep since '84 though. graemlins/thumb.gif Even better after the 10 minute delay!
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funny you guys failed to notice the part where hamm fell into the judges table, and still won gold. everyone has agreed that the judging has been the worse in a long time


IE the whole swimming incident. and how somehow on the floor excercises (women) the spanish girl beat out the american girl even tho she stepped outside, and USA didn't?



i'm not talking about narrowing out countries or anything, but the judging has been absolutely horrible.

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