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Warriors, Defenders of Liberty, Military folks.....


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Anyone currently or previously, served in the armed forces?


5 Years, US Navy, USS Nebraska SSBN-739 (That is a Trident (Ohio Class) submarine to you and me Russ.) Over one year submerged. Sonar stands for SOund Navigation And Ranging.

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I wanted to join the Marines, but for reasons that will go un-named for the time being, my recruiter closed my file.


To Akula and all those who have, will, or are currently serving our country in the armed forces:


Thank you for your service to our country. May God smile on you, and keep you safe from harm. I would feel priveleged to shake the hand of any one of you in uniform, you're all heros to me.



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I was speaking with USAF nd Navy recruiters, last meeting was sept 9, 2001. After sept 11 I reconsidered, knowing that many would use it as an excuse to do many things that were not in the best intrests of our nation. Not one to be a paun in some ones political game, I decided aginst it. Shame, too, I ws looking forward to it, the Navy has the best pilots in the world. ;) When we're faced with a militry threat, one tht can actualy be fought by military ction, I'll be the first in line no matter how old I happen to be.

I have the upmost respect for those who have served andI support our troops 100%. I have absolutely no faith in the leadership that is needlessly burning up thier lives. My father, uncle, a couple co-workers and a good freind of mine are vietnam vets. One, Glen Conn, was a corps'man (feild medical) and still carries shrapnel in his body. He'd dump the clip from his side arm as soon as he got, he ws that devoted to not killing anyone. My bossman worked on the ol deisel electric "sea poacher" in the engine room. After WWII, he ws a machinist with the Polaris project. His son, one of my best freinds, joined the navy 6 weeks before sept 11, and is now on duty in the gulf. They all share my feelings about these recent events. Our soldiers are too important to be wasted.


Dont know any warriors, though.

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US Navy, 4 years


Fire Controlman 3rd Class (E-4 Weapons System Technician)


Tomahawk Weapon Control System, NEC 1110


USS Spruance, DD-963 (Mayport Naval Station, Florida)


US Army Reserves, 1 year


Private, E-2


Heavy Wheel Vehicle Mechanic, 63S


454th Transportation Company (Ft.Hayes, Columbus, Ohio)

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Was going to join USAF out of high school, but family issues turned up and i couldnt leave.

Trying to get back in now, but the recruiters are damn hard to get a hold of.

Although i'll get 3-4 army recruiters talking to me every day smile.gif


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Actice Duty U.S. Air Force June 16th 2002-Present


Currently Serving as a Vehicle Maintenance Technician in the 96th Logistics Readiness Squadron, Eglin Air Force Base FL.


I am currently an E-3 (Airman First Class), and next month I am being promoted to E-4 (Senior Airman). So far in my 2 years of service I have had many different experiences, good and bad, but overall I am very happy with what I do.

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USAF Active Duty 1996 - 2000, 3C0X2 Computer Programmer. Thanks to all who serve, still serve, or will serve, no matter what you did or what you will do. It's people like us who step up and defend this country, and make it all worth while. I salute you all... graemlins/thumb.gif
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Currently my best friend SGT. Michael Mullen is serving in IRAQ. He is in the Army 1486th Transportation company. Has had his semi attacked and was a complete loss several months ago in a small village near Baghdad. Recieved a purple heart for the injuries he recieved during that attack on his convoy. Currently is responsible for as many as 80 soilders at one time as he plans and carries out missions carrying supplies all over Iraq. Due home this comming March.



Also another friend Private Jospeh Desrochers. Is serving in Iraq also. Is a member if the 1487th Transportation Company stationed at a base they call TK 5 Miles west of Fallujah. They recieve missile attacks on what seems to be a daily basis. Joe's is on a security detail for transportation convoys. He will either drive a Humvee that leads or follows or will man a top mounted gun on the back of that humvee. He is expected home also about march comming up.


Members of our armed forces are losing their lives in a very hostile country as you read this. Keep them in your thoughts. Think about the sacrifices they take for you and I, as well as the sacrifices their familes take for you and I.


I do hope any and all friends you may have out of the country on active duty return home safely.



Oh yea forgot to metion both of these soilders are members of this board.

Mike is 95stealthTT

Joe is Bimmerjoe


[ 13. October 2004, 11:53 PM: Message edited by: BIG PAPA ]

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Originally posted by BrockSamson:

oh shit, thats where he went!? Security detail for convoys is deffinately not a safe line of work these days. Tell him to watch his ass and sit on his helmet. ;)

Joe is a good soilder and has been in the miltary a long time. I am confidant that he will find a way to avoid as much trouble as he can. I'll let him know others ask about him. Stuff like that means a little more when you are in a shit hole like his current home.
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When I got out of Active Duty I did CB in the reserves. They are very gun ho!


For anyone that thinks they have a great deal to be greatful for, for anyone that sobs openly when they hear our national anthem, for any man or woman that wants to give to those they will never meet, I suggest joining up. I did 5 years in the USN, I loved it, I hated it, but mostly, I remember how deeply I love our nation. Ofcourse I am partial to the Navy, but anyone can find a job they love in any branch. The nice thing is that there are no useless jobs, everyone has a purpose.


For those of you that don't support the war, I suggest you remember this. Your opinion is being supported by those that are fighting the war. Your right to disagree with the administration is also supported by those that you disagree with. In order to be a true patriot, every solder/sailor/airman must support and defend our constitution and thus they support the opinions of millions of people to either hate them or love them.


I feel it is every American's right and duty to support the troops. If you meet someone that just came back, give 'em a hug, tell them how much you appreciate thier sacrafice, buy them a beer, then listen to their stories. You just might learn something.

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Originally posted by CR Caddy:

I wanted to join the Marines, but for reasons that will go un-named for the time being, my recruiter closed my file.


To Akula and all those who have, will, or are currently serving our country in the armed forces:


Thank you for your service to our country. May God smile on you, and keep you safe from harm. I would feel priveleged to shake the hand of any one of you in uniform, you're all heros to me.



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