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Stinky Cheese man (Nate) is a dumbass


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As seen here: http://www.columbusracing.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=12;t=001810


I show up at Applebees promply at 9:00. I hang out for about 15 minutes. Dave shows up. Yay. I'm already at a table drinking a tall cold one.


Little bit goes by and Eli shows up. Yay.


1/2 hour later, we find Nate's phone number. I give him a call. He's at the fucking SAWMILL APPLEBEES!? WTF? graemlins/nutkick.gif . So then, I tell him to get over here. Tell him to take 270 to Morse Rd, and take a right.. got up not even 1/4 mile and it's on the right.


So I get a call 15 minutes later. "Isn't Applebees down by B-dubs".. NO you fuck. You turned LEFT instead of right. Go the other way.


He finally shows up.


Moral of the story. Don't let Nate plan a meeting ANYWHERE. He'll be on the OTHER side of town waiting on you while you're at the correct spot and he's at a different location. graemlins/wtf.gifgraemlins/nutkick.gif

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