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Just when I thought I had seen it all


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One main issue with stray cats is that they act as a non-native introduced species that are an unnatural predator to native species. The introduction of the stray domestic cat into nature is responsible for more species extinctions than any other animal. Bird populations, particularly ground-nesters, are currently heavily impacted by feral cats. A local example is the bobwhite quail. Stray dogs are a problem too, but are a little more easily controlled than cats, partly because of their size they are easier to find. What do you think happens to those cats that get caught by animal catchers or ones that are in overpopulated animal shelters? Ever had an anatomy class? Many people from more rural areas will tell you that stray cats that venture onto private party, particularly the ones that are seen killing chicks get shot anyways. If there were a legal hunting season for cats it would be considered varmit hunting like that for coyotes or groundhogs. The problem is that the line between fifi and a feral cat is almost indiscernable. Bottom line though, keep your pets where they belong (including dogs). I have heard of plenty of dogs that disappeared from killing chickens or chasing small livestock to death.
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By the way I don't want to come across as a cat hater or anything. My main point is that pet owners need to keep their pets contained. I have had a few cats. Two of which were my mom found along the road when she was walking. They were each small enough that they fit in my hand. I fed them using an eye-dropper but they both eventually died although I thought one of them was strong enough to live. The only thing that pisses me off more than people letting their pets run free is when they dump them on the side of the road.
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