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Just when I thought I had seen it all


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Good. I wish every state had a law like that.


I am a responsible cat owner. By responsible, I mean my cat is spayed and stays INSIDE at all times and has for over nine years. If you have a cat(s) keep the fucker indoors. If you want something to go outside with you, get a dog. Cats should be kept indoors at all times. When let outside they are an annoyance and a nuisance AT BEST. Especially when you are too 1) lazy 2) poor 3) etc to get the fucking thing fixed and they do nothing but make the problem worse.


I wish to hell I could blast stray cats legally. I do it all the time with my pellet gun, but I'd LOVE to be able to pull out the 9mm and really take care of business.


Have I offended you? Good. Your fucking cats should be inside, morons. Keep your fucking irresponsible bullshit problems to yourself.


<font size="1">*Note that this does not apply to farm cats, yes I know their use. This is directed to all of the irresponsible moron suburbanites.</font>

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Yeah I totally agree that stray cats dont deserve a chance in hell all they do is breed and multiply like fucking cock roaches, I was just blown away that they would actually consider it, never thought anyone would have the balls to introduce something like that.
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Guest GSRchick714

I think cats should stay inside too but its not wrong for them to be outdoor/indoor cats. All of the cats I have ever owned have been 100% indoor cats except one. We found him in the woods behind our house when he was tiny and then started giving him food...eventually we brought him into the house and now he never goes outside. If someone's excuse to have their cat be an outdoor cat because that is "what they're used to", they can change-my cat did fine.

And about Wisconsin-thats dumb, we don't go hunting stray dogs without collars-why cats? They aren't hurting anything. If anything, Ohio needs to hunt Canada geese! :rolleyes:

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My cat goes outside whenever it wants. Its fixed and shit though all he does is A. go outside and fuck up racoons that come out the sewer. B. Go across the street and fuck up rabbits. Or C. come right back inside when he realizes theres snow.
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Originally posted by Venom:

my neighbor walks his cats, true story

That’s Homorific!


Every year in Wisconsin alone, an estimated 2 million wild cats kill 47 million to 139 million songbirds, according to state officials.
Although I don't agree or disagree with the idea of hunting cats, this is just stupid. A cat is higher up the food chain than a bird, they eat them. Of course there are going to be more birds than cats and they cats are going to eat multiple times their numbers. That's just the way nature works. So if I like a songbird more than cats it should be ok for people to hunt cats? Or if I happen to like cats more than song birds I should be happy that the cats eat the birds and want people to not hunt cats? People have some weird attachments to whole species of animals for no good reasons.
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I have an indoor/outdoor cat that is spayed. It comes and goes with my dogs, and sometimes stays out for days at a time.


If it comes back, fine; if it stays out, runs away, gets ran over, gets hunted (in the suburbs..?), fine - that's why I didn't give it a collar.


I guess hunting them should be legal. People in Wisconsin can then eat cat, make cat-skin coats, and mount cat heads in their living rooms.


I'm not against hunting stray cats, but what are you going to do with all the dead cat carcasses?

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Originally posted by Rane:

Cats dont shit on your car.

You just proved the point of my post.


Originally posted by QuikSilver:

I'm not against hunting stray cats, but what are you going to do with all the dead cat carcasses?

Duh, sell them to restaurants who will make them into chicken.


Yeah, I went there. :eek:

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i have a cat,and i like my cat.but dang, that story makes me wanna buy a blowgun and move to minnesota.

Originally posted by QuikSilver:


I guess hunting them should be legal. People in Wisconsin can then eat cat, make cat-skin coats, and mount cat heads in their living rooms.


I'm not against hunting stray cats, but what are you going to do with all the dead cat carcasses?

i hear that Mark Pi has a bounty on cats, and +1 on cat trophys mounted over the fireplace.
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Originally posted by o)(o:

Good. I wish every state had a law like that.

Hope your cats would never "accidently" get outside.



Originally posted by Mowgli:

If Wisconsin lets you start hunting cats, will South Dakota feel the need to one-up em and make a dog hunting season?

They would never mention that for dogs. Didn't you know that dogs are more loved then cats?
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yeah like Mowgli said South Dakota allows as well as other states to kill cats. Oh and in Ohio it is legal to kill Coy dogs. coming up here shorty I know farfeild county will be allowing to happen again.


BTW Coy are wild half bred domestic/Coyotes that are more agressive and less fearful of humans.

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people hunt dogs in ohio, true story, check out a nuisance permit


and why is it when someone makes a law like this everyone and their brother that isn't from the place says it is wrong, people in minnesota must be having a feral cat problem out there big enough to get this issue out there.


And farmers kill almost anything they can that will hurt their crops LEGALLY, in ohio

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Originally posted by Mr. 2:

They would never mention that for dogs. Didn't you know that dogs are more loved then cats?

Yeah? Don't bank on everyone loving dogs.


Give me a license and a Louisville Slugger and I'd be happy to shut up any barking dog at 2am permanently.


[ 12. April 2005, 10:17 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]

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Originally posted by o)(o:

When let outside they are an annoyance and a nuisance AT BEST.

Dead on. I love spending all day Sunday detailing my vehicles, and then walking outside Monday to go to work and finding wet cat prints up the hood and windshield, along with puddles of cat piss on at least one wheel.


And, if anyone else has ever been woken up at 3am by the sound of 2 male cats fighting, it basically sounds like 2 4 year-olds screaming on your porch.


If folks from Wisconsin take care of their cats, they don't have anything to worry about. Would any of you want tens of thousands stray cats running around your city?

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"One of the attendees was Katy Francis, who wore cat ears, whiskers, a cat nose and a sign that read, "Too Cute to Kill."
Can they legally hunt her too?


And since people brought this up; the stray dog problem around here is FAR FAR FAR less of a problem than the stray cat problem. Most of the stray dogs you see are just a dog that got loose and has a collar. They aren't dogs people are just letting out to roam free and do whatever they want. There are also dog leash laws.


Cats on the other hand are just let out and about to do whatever they want, and roam free at will. Big difference.

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Originally posted by NurkVinny:

If folks from Wisconsin take care of their cats, they don't have anything to worry about. Would any of you want tens of thousands stray cats running around your city?

Beh. Folks in Wisconsin need to cut out the middle man and go right for the root of the problem. They need to start hunting old single women...


But Eric's right - the cat hunting would be a test of skill. Like rabbit hunting - a rabbit on a full dodging run is one tough target to hit. As opposed to dogs. Dogs are just big dumb deer shots. They got no moves. Might as well shoot a pig.

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