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computer problems...it's pissing me off!


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well it's not my computer first off, i've never had this problem. but this is the 2nd computer of my sister's, this one lasted 2 days...and now it's doing the same thing her first one did after about a month. it boots then locks up, or it will start to load Windows and just kick off and keep looping like that.


it's too much of a coincidence the same thing has happened twice, she is downloading or doing something she shouldn't be.


anyways, enough venting, i have a quick "Windows" based question. i have it booting off the XP cd and i formatted and all that stuff...it started to install Windows again...then it kept saying it couldn't copy "x" file...numerous times, and they are important files, a lot of them are .dll's. so i keep hitting 'retry', and no dice' so i say ignore to a couple of them and i get the blue screen.


what the hell am i supposed to do with this thing if i can't even get Windows installed...ahhhh!

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Option A: http://www.krefeldercomputerclub.de/comp-hammer.jpg


Option B: http://www.bennekecomputers.biz/images/keysthroughmonitor.jpg


And finally Option 3, my favorite:(this is not me)


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Problem 1 - format. Then, teach your sister about what is and is not safe to download. I've had to go through this with my sister, she kept downloading stupid games that were filled with spyware, and it would eventually lock up the computer completely.


Problem 2 - the CD is bad.

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My computer did this, Except not so often. I had 2 cd drives, a normal one and a burner. It turns out something in the burner one was malfunctioning and would cause the computer to reboot/freeze. I took the burner out and its been trouble free for months now.


Good luck.

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