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John Stewart vs CrossFire


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John Stewart owns Crossfire



This falls in line with my whole "team" rant that I go off about from time to time. Basicly being criticle of people who blindly choose a political side/part/candidate/team and become rhetoric repeaters that never invest much/any intellect into the ideas they are spouting.


Stewart Is criticizing the hosts of the show for perpetuating a system flawed system. On in which members of each team are given public forums to spout the rhetoric and "talking points" of the party/side rather than actually addressing real issues with real answers all under the pretext of a Hard ass Debate show that asks the "hard" questions. The very nature of the show encourages the hosts to have opintions that are strictly defined based on whether they are left or right.


People watch shows like crossfire, observe the supposed debate, walk away feeling more informed when they have, in fact, just been pumped with the same rhetoric the "team" is trying to shove in the faces of the american people on a daily basis.



[its not meant to be infamitory as it doesnt support either "side", but mods can feel free to move this to SM if so inclined.]

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Summed up quickly:


- Jon said the guys on Crossfire are nothing more than puppets of each respective canidate.


- Jon made a fairly weak point towards why he didn't ask Kerry tougher questions, by pointing out his show is a comedy show (IMO, it has a lot to do with Jon being a Kerry supporter).


- Jon doesn't let the Crossfire guys control the interview at all. He tells them they are not doing what is beneficial to the public, and they have a huge, important, worthwhile opportunity to really do the right thing, and they are throwing it away.

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I think you kinda missed the point. It's not so much that they are puppets (which he did imply) but that Shows like Crossfire do nothing but push people farther to one side or the other.


I thought his retort as to why he didnt ask the

"tough questions" was pretty good:


"You're on CNN. The show that leads into me is puppets making crank phone calls."

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ya know i used to watch the daily show all the time but the jokes got a little old, but this goes to show the intelligence of jon stewart, here is someone who goes and tries to talk to these guys for real and they give him the same song and dance as they would anyone else, the dude in the bowtie needs his ass beat a little beat so maybe he wouldn't be such an arrogant prick, but you know you can't blame these problems on the media, our society encourages this stuff, we don't reward honest at all, actually we seem to punish it more, we don't encourage integrity in anykind of profession, we only support whatever cause we believe in at the moment and will disregard when someone is an ass so our side will win something, just a reflection on how our culture works in a small scale
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by a Car Enthusiast:

ya know i used to watch the daily show all the time but the jokes got a little old, but this goes to show the intelligence of jon stewart, here is someone who goes and tries to talk to these guys for real and they give him the same song and dance as they would anyone else, the dude in the bowtie needs his ass beat a little beat so maybe he wouldn't be such an arrogant prick, but you know you can't blame these problems on the media, our society encourages this stuff, we don't reward honest at all, actually we seem to punish it more, we don't encourage integrity in anykind of profession, we only support whatever cause we believe in at the moment and will disregard when someone is an ass so our side will win something, just a reflection on how our culture works in a small scale

The reason I have no faith in the American political process is that the average voter does not have the desire or attention span to grasp complex issues. This is why 99.999999999% of cable news "commentary" is retarded soapbox posturing from either the left or the right. This also explains why neither presidential candidate has really gone into detail about their plans for the next four years. John Q. Public is probably too apathetic or stupid to understand anything besides sloganeering and mudslinging.
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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

- Jon made a fairly weak point towards why he didn't ask Kerry tougher questions, by pointing out his show is a comedy show (IMO, it has a lot to do with Jon being a Kerry supporter)

Do you even watch the Daily show? When your in the position they are in, and you get freaking presidential candidate as a guest, you dont not piss them off. he would hve shown the same respect to a republican..like John Mcain. Nahh, you didn't see the enterveiw with him, or Giuliani, or any other promintent republicans that they've had. You look at the one interveiw, and make it out to be a sign of partisanship.


Originally posted by The Anti-Role Model:

The reason I have no faith in the American political process is that the average voter does not have the desire or attention span to grasp complex issues. This is why 99.999999999% of cable news "commentary" is retarded soapbox posturing from either the left or the right. This also explains why neither presidential candidate has really gone into detail about their plans for the next four years. John Q. Public is probably too apathetic or stupid to understand anything besides sloganeering and mudslinging.

Can I get an AMEN!?


bowtie? Ohhh please tell me he smacked around Tucker Carlson :D

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