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Dispatch Article - A good one

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The whole concept baffles me. Personally, I like to drink in a social environment. I hate being drunk, though. The whole thing with this vapor thing is that you get drunk faster. I think thats just foolish. It hasn't been since high school (at least for me) that going out drinking has been with the specific intent to get drunk. I just don't find being drunk enough fun to completely bypass the social aspect of drinking adult beverages. Who's buying those machines?

"I have an idea! Lets build a machine that we can sell to bar and restaurant owners that will be guaranteed to get their customers blitzed in a fraction of the time that drinking alcohol does. That way, Joe Schmoe can stop in, get absolutely trashed, and be back on the road on his way home and still make it in time for dinner! Never mind the fact that it'll still be rush hour."

I just don't understand. graemlins/nonono.gif

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