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Ignorant comments running rampant


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Call this a flame if you like but this is some shit that needs to be delt with.


what the hell has been with the post from people like evilevo and the like talking about either how rich someone is or isn't, how saying racial slurs here and there and classifying people according to said income has been an accepted practice here? If you're wondering what i'm talking about, go take a gander at the post made in the pics and vids section from that stupid video of some ignorant fucker hitting a p/t cruiser. Not only him but it seems a lot of that stuff has been popping up here and there over the past couple of weeks and it's getting old really, REALLY fast.

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The talking shit because of someone's income level shit is retarded. Not all of us here make the kind of money to buy a 'Vette, or an Evo (not directed at anyone in particular), but that doesn't say shit about a person's driving skills or even what kind of person they are. Sometimes you just have to make the most out of what you CAN get.
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Guest stvbreal
Didn't realize I would get so much attention by saying I want to eliminate people like that idiot on the video. Yeah, me description for taking him out was a bit graphic but you think someone like that has any remorse? If it were you and him, who would you want left standing? And as far as the whole rich comment thing or whatever, I have no idea what you are talking about there.
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Originally posted by EvilEvo:

Didn't realize I would get so much attention by saying I want to eliminate people like that idiot on the video. Yeah, me description for taking him out was a bit graphic but you think someone like that has any remorse? If it were you and him, who would you want left standing? And as far as the whole rich comment thing or whatever, I have no idea what you are talking about there.

I don't think anybody questions that, the guy was a punk and deserves much worse than name calling. But you and others used racial slang, which isn't permitted on the board. Simple as that, rules are rules.


- No racial/ethnic slurs and/or comments
As for the money thing, no clue... I'm rich biotch! :D
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Originally posted by Veritas:

Call this a flame if you like but this is some shit that needs to be delt with.


what the hell has been with the post from people like evilevo and the like talking about either how rich someone is or isn't, how saying racial slurs here and there and classifying people according to said income has been an accepted practice here? If you're wondering what i'm talking about, go take a gander at the post made in the pics and vids section from that stupid video of some ignorant fucker hitting a p/t cruiser. Not only him but it seems a lot of that stuff has been popping up here and there over the past couple of weeks and it's getting old really, REALLY fast.

I agree, but at the same time, i think your CONSTANT bitching is getting old...
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