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Ford backs gays, christian group boycotts.


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Originally posted by farmboy:

orion is quite right religion is not about tolerance at all. The entire point of the christian faith is to follow the teachings of christ verbatum(sp)and try to bring other souls to the faith.

Luke 6:36-38



Don't mask your intolerance under the pretense of religious beliefs.

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Originally posted by Veritas:

fords suck. true story.



as a corperate entity, yep. But, 154,000 miles and counting, many thousand of which were driven at 10/10, and never needed anything...well, accept the transmission I destroyed, totaly my fault. tongue.gif Where as your RX7...... tongue.gif
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Originally posted by Swirl Marks:

Luke 6:36-38



Don't mask your intolerance under the pretense of religious beliefs.

that better not be directed at me. after having been around me while i was around perry, tell me i was intolerant towards him.


besides, you know that everything in the bible is contextually based. if you continue on in luke 6, youll get to verse 49.

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cool, man. sorry i got testy. i dont like it when people mix me in with the hate-filled bigots that smear christianity and make all of us look like hypocrites.


for real though, some of you are downright intolerable. [grin]

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Hey Eric (Stig), well said. I don't think I have ever seen anyone debate a religious topic as calmly and logically as you did. You make some excellent points which I agree with.


Just curious... is religious research a hobby of yours? (Yes.. I am being serious). I work with several devout christians, a few continually try to save me :rolleyes: , and having an open discussion about the validity of the bible, etc. is completely pointless. It always ends up in a confrontational discussion.


As far as religion being about intolerance, why do you say that? Almost all religions speak of compassion and kindness.... understanding and tolerance.


If another chooses not to share your beliefs, what harm is it to you? Maybe it is about power and control.


Then again, maybe it is about elevating your perception of yourself throught the negative judgement of others....

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compassion and kindness.... understanding and tolerance.


compassion, kindness, and understanding. very well done. three of four isnt bad.


how many times in the bible will you find the word, "tolerance?"


if you answered "once", then you are correct. its in romans. chapter 2, verse 4 to be exact. in context, it has to do with gods tolerance of us, and our propensity to be condemning towards others. (go figure, huh)



tolerance is not a topical discussion, for christianity, by its nature, is NOT tolerant. and thats why it affects change.


i am compassionate towards homosexuals, and homosexuality is not a hard subject for me to discourse on, having two gay uncles and more than one gay coworker.. i am kind and respectful toward them, for the most part. and i understand the difficulty of their situation, and try to see things from their perspective. but, i dont tolerate it, and will speak out against it, if asked. i love my freinds and family, regardless of their sexual orientation, even if i see it as morally wrong.

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Originally posted by Maro:

Just curious... is religious research a hobby of yours? (Yes.. I am being serious).

It was a curiculum. tongue.gif On top of that, my father studied many years at a seminary, and came close to becoming a preist (lucky for me he changed his mind, eh?). Other religions, yes, I have been known to go out of my way to learn about them. But, christianity, I dont need to;


Originally posted by Maro:

I work with several devout christians, a few continually try to save me :rolleyes:

Listen to them. You dont have to agree witht hem, but most people are info resources waiting to be tapped. I klisten to my dad whenever he gets into it, lucky for me he's not pushy, and it quite intelegent and good at making points.
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Originally posted by The Stig:

Listen to them. You dont have to agree witht hem, but most people are info resources waiting to be tapped.

I have tried and do find it interesting. Religion (of any kind) is a diverse topic.


However, I can only listen to somones inane logic for so long before I have to state some of my view points. Blind faith is still blind.


We have eyes to see with, ears to hear with, and mouths to speak with.... Why not use our brains to determine what we believe. I should not have to repeatedly listen to input without having an equal forum.


Why is it alright to listen, but wrong to speak... if you don't agree with the majority faith?

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Originally posted by Maro:

Why not use our brains to determine what we believe.

because a true beleif is not a choice, it's an undefinable compulsion. You dont choose to for any reason, you just beleive. There is no hard evidence supporting any beleif system 100%, anyone who holds a beleife of any kind does so with a measure of blind faith.
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Originally posted by The Stig:

because a true beleif is not a choice, it's an undefinable compulsion. You dont choose to for any reason, you just beleive.

Good point...

Then I believe that religion is a man-made ideal to control the masses and to maintain power and that blind faith = ignorance. "Faith" is often used as a tool for people to justify their actions and make them selves feel better.


Back on topic... Ford can do whatever they want... it is their perogative as a company. For the AFA to call for a boycot of their products because of the decision is silly IMHO. The AFA is trying to manipulate our society to fit in with what they deem as acceptable.


If you don't like the company, don't buy the cars... This movement is made out of predjudice.

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If you don't like the company, don't buy the cars... This movement is made out of predjudice.
what do you think a boycott is, maro?


a lot about religion is man made, ill give you that. nothing about faith is, though.

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Originally posted by Orion:

a lot about religion is man made, ill give you that. nothing about faith is, though.

yep. Organized religion has always been about control. Faith is between you and your maker. Which is why I find it odd that some christians bitch about beig able to pray out loud in public schools, or have mass prayer at events and such. If you were realy in touch with the lord, you'd know that the loudness of your voice doesnt get your words to him any faster. Its just a bunch of people wanting attention. Organized religion is an antiquated way of ruling the faithful. Now Unorganised christians want to join in the farse by making it all about "Hey look at me I'm christian over here! join in!"

I don't want gay pride parades, and i dont want public prayer, keep that shit to yourself.

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