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Alternative to bush and kerry

Guest FBody Addict

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Guest FBody Addict

Anyone ever look at the constitution party?

They are for running the government how the constitution explains it, not changing it to suit their needs (*cough* BUSH *cough*)

Dont underestimate third parties

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Guest FBody Addict

dunno, i just threw out a third party name that ive heard alot about and that i knew the platform, my point was to look at third parties


if someone has a link to the constitution party's site please post it

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Michael Peroutka is running for the Office of President of The United States on the Constitution Party's ticket.


From "A brief history of the Constitution Party" on the About Us page.

"The Constitution Party is the only party which is completely pro-life, anti-homosexual rights, pro-American sovereignty, anti-globalist, anti-free trade, anti-deindustrialization, anti-unchecked immigration, pro-second amendment, and against the constantly increasing expansion of unlawful police laws, in favor of a strong national defense and opposed to unconstitutional interventionism."



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Independants & 3rd parties are great, but not until this bi-partisan country is much more friendly to them. Most people are afraid to vote for who they want as president, they believe the race is pretty much between the 2 major candidates and if they vote for somebody else, it's a wasted vote. And they're right until things change.


Perot had tons of money to campaign with, usually the problem with 3rd parties, but it still wasn't enough. I don't think he had the right character, but a celebrity type with a good platform might be able to pull it off. He did open things up though, like getting a 3rd party in on the debate action, major step in the right direction there. See alot more of that, and then 3rd parties will have a chance.


Libertarian party is interesting as well, although some things I don't like.

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Umm, that party sounds crazy (literally borderline insane) for modern societal standards in this country. It DOES NOT sound like they are fully 'pro-constitutionalism', and it DOES sound like they would have to bend the constitution to uphold some of their standards *cough* anit-homosexual rights *cough*.


I really like some of the things the libertarian party is saying, but I need to look into them, and other parties more before I even come close to deciding on whom I'm going to vote for.

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I think that it is pretty impressive though that the Constitution Party has managed to gain access to the polls in 48 states since their inception in 1992. That indicates to me that they are headed in the right direction starting small and working their way up to major party status. Who knows, come 2008 we may see another 3 party debate between Hillary :rolleyes: and whoever the Republican and Constitution Party candidates are.
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Originally posted by Hoosier Daddy:

Most people are afraid to vote for who they want as president, they believe the race is pretty much between the 2 major candidates and if they vote for somebody else, it's a wasted vote. And they're right until things change.

I'm afraid to say I feel that I'm in that boat right now. I don't feel necessarily that I'm throwing my vote away if I vote for someone who will not get elected if it's who I'd really like to see. My problem is, there's on candidate I think is all right, and one I DO NOT want to see in office. I feel that this will be a very tight race in between the two major parties. I don't want to vote for the other one, just because I don't want the bad guy to win, but I just might end up doing just that.


I guess it's an issue of how much of and ideologist or realist do I want to be?


Ideally I would vote for whomever I thought was best, regardless if they were just my next-door neighbor or someone who was in a 'contending' third party. Also, I feel that if I do my contribution to vote for a third party, it might help them, and all third parties, in the long run. I can't tell you how the much a bi-partisan system disgusts me, and I believe is the root cause of some of our 'problems' that I believe we have right now.


Realistically, as a pessimist, I can sit here and say, will a third ever gain enough steam to even fathom competing? Even if a third party becomes an honest contender, what's to say that they won't nock one of the other two parties out and the system will be a bi-partisan system again? Or even more realistically, it will just be a messed up three party system with a redheaded stepchild third party stuck in the middle of the other two? Would a three major party system just have the same problems, to maybe a lesser or greater degree, as a two party system?


I guess it's more of these things that I have to maul over than it is whom I'm going to vote for due to their platforms. redface.gif

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Originally posted by CR Caddy:

I think that it is pretty impressive though that the Constitution Party has managed to gain access to the polls in 48 states since their inception in 1992.

A guy being able to shove his head up own ass would be impressive. That doesn't mean it's something that I would support or want to be associated with.


Just from reading that brief synopsis that you posted, they are to far to the right (to far either way is bad) and far to brash to be good for this country.


Do you want the party you support to align with your ideals perfectly or to be able to do the best for this country as a whole?

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I agree. Sad that we have to make decisons like that.


I think if they limit campaign spending to a fair affordable amount, that might help, something to level the field and give every party an equal chance. The government helps the two major parties with campaign money, that needs to end. Then we would hear about the 3rd party candidates as much as the others, they wouldn't just be unheard of names on the ballot.

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Originally posted by Neo:

A guy being able to shove his head up own ass would be impressive. That doesn't mean it's something that I would support or want to be associated with.


Just from reading that brief synopsis that you posted, they are to far to the right (to far either way is bad) and far to brash to be good for this country.


Do you want the party you support to align with your ideals perfectly or to be able to do the best for this country as a whole?

I agree with you 100%. I was just stating that the fact that this Constitution Party has managed to gather enough steam to get onto the ballot in 48 states in 12 years (3 elections) is something that in and of itself is pretty impressive. The small snippet was not included to be representative of my beliefs at all. Kind of reminds me of that episode of King of the Hill that Luanne joined the Communist party. I've got a feeling that is how the Constitution party has gotten so widely known. By donations from people that ought to know better. I mean, come on, how could we as a country go back to government the way it was when the Constitution was written. The fact is, that document was intended to be a guide. Not the end all, be all definition of our government.
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Originally posted by Jesus Hates Me:

I think though with both bush and kerry being disliked by so many people we will seeing alot more third party voting this election

I agree, and on that note, I don't want to talk about it any more. tongue.gif You know what they say about politics and religion. They are topics best discussed with those of the same mind. This thread requires WAY too much thought. I think I'll sit back and watch for a while. graemlins/popcorn.gif
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Originally posted by Jesus Hates Me:

dont worry, i wont discuss religeon because i think its a way bad idea, unless i was in a position of power and wanted to control large amounts of simple minded people



That funny, given your screen name and all! graemlins/wtf.gif

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Originally posted by Jesus Hates Me:

I think though with both bush and kerry being disliked by so many people we will seeing alot more third party voting this election

Yes, and their 3% overall vote may have an impact on whether Kerry or Bush gets voted in, but that's about it.


It truely is a throw-away vote. It would be like me writing my own name in.....hell, everyone on Cols. Racing writing my name in. All throw-away votes, as it would be impossible for our few votes to get me into office.

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Half a billion people in this nation, and the best that our great and all knowing 2 party system has been able to give us is Geoarge W Bush and John Kerry? Yeah, what a great fuckin system we have graemlins/jerkit.gif


Originally posted by Jesus Hates Me:

Anyone ever look at the constitution party?

They are for running the government how the constitution explains it, not changing it to suit their needs (*cough* BUSH *cough*)

Dont underestimate third parties

This is a good reason not to support this party. Our founding fathers, the architects of our nation, and ht elast group of fellas truely worthy to run it, made the Constitution a living document for a reason. They planned for the future, they realized the world is a changing place, so they left the constitution open for amendment.

They knew the time would come when something needed to be changed. "Leaving it as it is" for eternity is a bad idea, and it will lead to the fall of our nation. They knew that 230 years ago.

They also knew it should be up to the nation, not one man, and not one group.

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Originally posted by The_Fist_of_Fury:

This is a good reason not to support this party. Our founding fathers, the architects of our nation, and ht elast group of fellas truely worthy to run it, made the Constitution a living document for a reason. They planned for the future, they realized the world is a changing place, so they left the constitution open for amendment.

They knew the time would come when something needed to be changed. "Leaving it as it is" for eternity is a bad idea, and it will lead to the fall of our nation. They knew that 230 years ago.

They also knew it should be up to the nation, not one man, and not one group.

i was wonderin how long it was gonna take someone to mention that it was a living document.
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Third parties need to quit worrying about the Presidency and focus on local races, or else they will never get anywhere. Who the hell wants to put some no-name from a party that's never run so much as a school board into the White House?


The Reform Party, which ran as a middle of the road alternative, really had a shot at becoming a major third party. Unfortunately for them, they attracted a lot of kooks (which third parties often do), and they didn't focus on LOCAL offices. Jesse Ventura could have been a springboard to them becoming a real party, but they basically drove him out.


There is no room to the right or left of the two major parties, so that's a loser right there. Elections are won in the middle. Reform knew that, and they were positioned perfectly, but they dropped the ball.


That's unfortunate, because I think that they were having a positive effect on the process.

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Originally posted by CR Caddy:

graemlins/thumb.gif Yay! Nitrousbird for President! graemlins/thumb.gif

Jeebus, even I know I would make a bad president! Well, not totally bad....the EPA wouldn't be happy w/ my stance on auto emissions, and my killing of most welfare programs and severe punishment on criminals would be nice. But overall, I'd probably just end up running the nation into the ground. :(
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