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End the hysteria.

Guest jpurdy2003

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Guest jpurdy2003

I read this article here, on a local Cleveland TV station's website. Not only that, but this means that if you try to look for an address, deliver a pizza, drop off a friend, look at a car for sale, try to find a yard sale, or any other task that involes circling a block, the police will be on you faster than skanks on a vette. If journalism class has taught me anything about this, it's that the media has found its new biannual hysteria (i.e. shark attacks, the Gahanna Lion, street racing, etc.).


Residents report suspicious car cruising the neighborhood

POSTED: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 12:46:52 PM

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 12:46:52 PM

GREEN -- Police in Summit County are keeping an eye out Tuesday for a suspicious driver who has some parents worried around the city of Green.


Neighbors near Cedarwood way say a man driving a turquoise car was cruising the block and appeared to be up to no good. The incident fueled rumors a couple children were grabbed.


Captain Larry Momchilov said there were two separate incidents of children being grabbed in the area. The first involved a boy riding his bike whose arm was grabbed and the second incident was a girl.


“It could be somebody out in that area doing some other things, looking at houses, cars or other things,” Momchilov said. “But also we look at it that he could be out there trying to prey on child.”


There’s been one official complaint of a suspicious turquoise car but no official word any children were harmed.

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Originally posted by The_Fist_of_Fury:

Perhaps we need a new addition to The Patriot Act against cruising, because I still feel that we as Americans have too many rights and are a danger to ourselves.... graemlins/jerkit.gif

Good call, it can go right in there with the forcing us to wear seat belts and not do drugs. We can't have us hurting ourselves anymore.
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Originally posted by The_Fist_of_Fury:

"faster then the speed of smell"


Perhaps we need a new addition to The Patriot Act against cruising, because I still feel that we as Americans have too many rights and are a danger to ourselves.... graemlins/jerkit.gif

hold on a second, democrat. isnt it the govenrmants job to keep us safe from ourselves?
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Guest FBody Addict

according to them its god's job, as long as we give 10% of our paychecks (before taxes) to the church and attend services sunday morning, evening, wednesday, friday evening, and obey the sabbath


remember, we have gotten away from the church, thats why 9/11 happened

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