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So.... Europe kicks ass

Guest Crankshaft

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Guest Crankshaft
<font color ="midnightblue"> ...I'll be there in four days for a 33 day vacation. Last summer I went to Europe and hit the traditional locals, plus a few extra. This time I'm going to Scandinavia, home of the oh-so-awesome Vikings and Norsemen. I'll start in Denmark, then travel to Sweden, Norway, up and across to Finland, down into Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany and then back to Denmark. It's gonna freakin rock. I can't wait. Ya'll have a good time back here in Ohio, ya hear? :D
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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> I'm going with a tour company called Contiki. They aren't great, but they are the best of what's offered for what I want. And you may like California better, but trust me: European chicks > fat ugly illegals and obese women in bikinis at beaches. Just my opinion.


And, aside from Venice and Florence, Italy wasn't that great. The Vatican was cool, I suppose, but the rest of Italy was kind of a dump. Same with Greece.


And, just curious Joe--why don't you want to go to Europe? Is it Europe itself, or do you not like travelling? I loved it the first time I went, and I can't wait to go again. If you haven't been, perhaps you should try it. If you have and still don't like it.... there's more to the world than just Europe. I'm interested to hear your reasons.

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Originally posted by the Apostle:

And, just curious Joe--why don't you want to go to Europe? Is it Europe itself, or do you not like travelling? I loved it the first time I went, and I can't wait to go again. If you haven't been, perhaps you should try it. If you have and still don't like it.... there's more to the world than just Europe. I'm interested to hear your reasons.

Though I've never been out of the country, there are other places I'd rather visit first (Australia comes to mind first). I'd like to visit some countries w/ rainforest and such too. I just don't get into a lot of that "old world" stuff.


By "no real interest" I don't mean I'd turn down a free trip to Europe. Rather, there are other places I'd rather go before setting foot there (among those are a number of places in the US). My difficulity w/ foreign languages, something I've always struggled w/ learning, probably has a bit to do with it too.

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

My difficulity w/ foreign languages, something I've always struggled w/ learning, probably has a bit to do with it too.

Luckily for you, most highschools there require the students to take a few years of english. So, stick to talking to folk that look like they paid attention in school, I.E. the manager and not the bus boy, and you should be fine. In hte tourist thick areas, you will have no trouble finding an english speaker.




Le Man, Cirque De Lesad









The Alps

Deutschlend (black forrests)


Scottish highlands

Mt Elbrus

C'mon, I could spend a life roaming europe and not get bored. Go before you're 25 so train passes are cheap.

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> ^ ^ this man knows what he is talking about. Aside from America, any first-world country practically requires its citizens to culture themselves and learn a second language. We're arrogant, we make everyone learn ours to it's ok. I have not had any trouble thus far finding my way around due to language barriers. Especially in the Germanic countries, they all speak English like it was their first language. I was very impressed.


@ Jon - Bring you something bitch? tongue.gif Perhaps some Absinthe? Maybe a little fresh-off-the-street weed? Pictures of all the fine Scando-European ass? Heh...sure thing. graemlins/thumb.gif I do plan on taking a ton of pictures, however. I took about 2,000 on my last trip, and I plan on taking at least as many this time. I got a new digital camera, and just today I bought two 1 Gig memory chips for it. And, as much as I'd love to, I can't post many pictures because pictures on teh intraweb tend to get ripped or stolen. It's lame, but...yeah. I'll post a few, just for you Jon. ;)



And someone asked earlier: I'll be taking a chartered bus to the different areas, and a cruise ship from Denmark to Stockholm. w00t.

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been there

did that

doing it again

for 3 years


yeah its the army, but hay its free and i get tree years of it for free


germany rocks and i going to be there again

weisbaden sp?


i will own another benz while im there



yeah its the army but hey

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