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Some funny anti-Kerry shit


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in order to be funny, it would have to be..well, funny. tongue.gif Seriously, most of that stuff is just stupid. "yahr har har, obriting the moon, raping moonmnen, yahr har har". You republicans should leave the satire to the professionals. graemlins/thumb.gif Ya gotta make things up to insult Kerry, but Your own candidate is comedy gold, and isn't even trying. "...practice thier love on women...", you cant make that shit up, I still chuckle at it, and I've heard it half a dozen times. tongue.gif


kinda like this aint all that funny


This one would make me chuckle, if it were bs



[ 07. September 2004, 06:08 PM: Message edited by: SwimmingBird ]

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first off, my keybord took a barage today, and now some of the keys dont rely work. So, if I miss something in my proof read..lick my taint. graemlins/finger.gif


Originally posted by Republicant:

I just feel bad that Erik thinks anyone cares or thinks it's funny or entertaining that he posts worthless, nonfunny, semi-derogitory bullshit in EVERY Political thread.

I have brought up several points backed by fact, and have received no valid rebuttles, no counter points. Just, "you suck", and "kerry blows". Mark is the only one of you that can actuly carry on a debate and even he can't defend Bush's record, especily not his personl one.

But, none of that matters, the vast majority of this bord are Republicans, it doesn't matter if your cadidates are proven to be a lying coward and a crook, you're going to back them and love them anyways. John Kerry is no saint, but he's clearly the more worthy of the two.


Lets get one thing clear. Neither of these guys hve half the plans that they say they do, so asking for specifics, real specifics, from either side is pointless. What they have are directions that they claim they will take. "I have a plan for this..." realy means "I'll probbly cook up pln along these lines". I'm voting for the guy who doesnt hve a track record of neglecting or fumbling the plans that they run on.

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Originally posted by Republicant:

I just feel bad that Erik thinks anyone cares or thinks it's funny or entertaining that he posts worthless, nonfunny, semi-derogitory bullshit in EVERY Political thread.



and you have contributed a tomb of knowledge to every politcal thread we've had as well.


Originally posted by Republicant:


I guess I need to vote for Bush now!
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Originally posted by Republicant:


did you miss the part where I sid my keybord ws busted, and further more, those who make note of missing letters can lick my taint? I am unwaivering in my conviction to the cause of making you lick my taint! tongue.gif


Originally posted by mesteno:

Jesus was white?

Bahaha, finaly, a rebuttle. graemlins/thumb.gif
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