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I believe it is instinctual to "sharpen" the claws on upright objects. Soft objects they claw to "fluff".


One of our 2 de-clawed hairball-horking fuzz-balls has to "knead" the piping on the couch cushion, before jumping up on it, and they both "sharpen" on every Longaberger basket that's within reach!

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Guest racinbird
Originally posted by MSTR-TRQ:

Anyone know why declawed cats mash their paws into everything. My damn cat takes its 2 front paws and mashes them into my pillows or blankets or me when I am sleeping. Like it is trying to mash grapes for wine or something.

My cats do the same....I don't know why for sure
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yeah, if theyre taken from their mother too early (while theyre still feeding on her) theyll continue to do this. thats why people say to wait a while to take it from their mother. one of our cats actually used to suck on your ear, at the bottom, where it would be pierced, thinking he'd get milk from it
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Guest Crankshaft
<font color ="midnightblue"> Do people not read the above posts? CRX Powered and Anthony just explained it. Morons. And I don't know of any that "grow out of it". It is instinctual, and mirrors the soothing effect that white noise has on us; any type of whooshing, ambient sound (a fan, a static radio, etc), mimics the sound of blood rushing over us when we were in the womb. These things kinda stick with you, whether you know it or not. Same deal for pussies. They like to kneed because it's comforting.
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Originally posted by MSTR-TRQ:

Anyone know why declawed cats mash their paws into everything. My damn cat takes its 2 front paws and mashes them into my pillows or blankets or me when I am sleeping. Like it is trying to mash grapes for wine or something.

Both of my cats still have all their claws. Only one of them continues to knead stuff...like me. She doesn't do it often, but often enough for me to notice.
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Guest GSRchick714
My dad has 3 cats and 2 of them always sharpen their claws (which they no longer have) on the corners of furniture and all 3 of them knead their paws on furniture before they lay down
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Originally posted by the Apostle:

<font color ="midnightblue"> Do people not read the above posts? CRX Powered and Anthony just explained it. Morons. And I don't know of any that "grow out of it". It is instinctual, and mirrors the soothing effect that white noise has on us; any type of whooshing, ambient sound (a fan, a static radio, etc), mimics the sound of blood rushing over us when we were in the womb. These things kinda stick with you, whether you know it or not. Same deal for pussies. They like to kneed because it's comforting.




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