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Bye Bye DVD Copying


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Originally posted by sgtschulze:

If this works it will suck. I have two small kids and they can destroy CD/DVD's faster than a Radio Shack CD Player. This is getting out of control.


Click Here for Article

And remember Windows XP is impossible to pirate.


Oh wait, what OS am I running? ;)smile.gif

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Originally posted by sgtschulze:

I sure hope so. I made my donation to the DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter Folks!

Out of the 3 DVDs I rented this week (The Forgotten, Paparazzi, and The Grudge), DVD Shrink only worked on Paparazzi. 'They' have already figured something out.
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Originally posted by punkrocker3_00:

I doubt it will happen. US copyright law allows you to legally make 1 back up copy of any CD or DVD. If they do not allow you to be able to make that copy they will be violating copyright laws.

Can you really? I need to start doing that, my CD's last about two months before I find them broken on a seat/broken under seat/scratched to hell under floor mat, etc.
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Originally posted by Assured Risk:

Can you really? I need to start doing that, my CD's last about two months before I find them broken on a seat/broken under seat/scratched to hell under floor mat, etc.

it's just silly not to backup cds on your hard drive.then when you trash your legitimate copy you can make a new one at will.
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im not real sure on how it works but every dvd my dad rent he copys. the computer is playing the movie and as its playing it, its recording it.


there isnt anything that they can put onto the disc that could stop that. as your watching the image the harddrive captures it, what are they going to do

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I remember when a dvd copying software came out a while back that wouldn't allow you to copy stuff that was copyrighted. Then someone figured out that if you held the alt key down when you started the program it bypassed it. Ha.


Its not going to stop weither they like it or not. They are getting greedy and its only going to bite them in the ass. Heaven forbid the pricks not be able to afford that 4th home in Figi. Everytime I watch cribs I feel so much better about p2p downloading.

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No, what's bad for the economy is the idea that if the assholes at the top of the money chain have more money it'll be invested. Didn't that theory get its time to be proven wrong during the presidency of Herbert Hoover. And even before that, the "trickle down" theory was used in the reign of Tsar Alexander I in Russia during the Napoleonic Wars. Hell, it was used during William the Conquerer's reign over Normandy and Britain in the late 1000s. The idea that rich people being richer will generally help the economy is bullshit. What helps the economy is poorer/not as rich people being able to save their money, and if piracy supports that, I'm all for it. Plus I enjoy having free music.


Just my theory.

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Originally posted by 10xworse:

No, what's bad for the economy is the idea that if the assholes at the top of the money chain have more money it'll be invested. Didn't that theory get its time to be proven wrong during the presidency of Herbert Hoover. And even before that, the "trickle down" theory was used in the reign of Tsar Alexander I in Russia during the Napoleonic Wars. Hell, it was used during William the Conquerer's reign over Normandy and Britain in the late 1000s. The idea that rich people being richer will generally help the economy is bullshit. What helps the economy is poorer/not as rich people being able to save their money, and if piracy supports that, I'm all for it. Plus I enjoy having free music.


Just my theory.

comunist graemlins/burnout02.gif
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