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Where to buy a snow maker?


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Look into a large/hi-powered box-style fan and the idea is to mist low-temp water out in front of it with cold air temperatures so it freezes and falls. You could make something pretty easily, I would think, with a little ingenuity. smile.gif


If you do I wanna see it!

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Haha, me and Marc were just talking about this on Sunday. We went up to MRM and he told me about your rails, but didn't know if you just waited for snow, or had a snow maker or what. Good luck with that, I don't really know very much about them.


Tried e-bay yet, or maybe call around to some local 'mountains'? I know back when I was in high school, MRM used to have almost all portable snow makers. Then got some grant or something, and put in all of the permanent snowmaking they have now about four or five years ago. I don't think they use very many of their old portable snow makers, might be worth a try.


Speaking of rails, I tried to start hitting them again on Sunday. redface.gif

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Building one would NOT be difficult. Hell I was playing around with a big fan and a mister and made snow. All you have to do is produce a fine mist of water in front of a fan and have the air temp below 32.


If you are looking to get it to work above freezing, it gets tricky at that point. In order to get it to cool out below surounding air temps you have to put the air and water mist together and then push it through a venturi, what happens is the air gets compressed, without alot of heat being added, then as it experiences the pressure drop coming out of the venturi tube, the pressure drop causes a pressure drop. But to get a significant enough drop you are going to need to produce a drop of several pounds. Of course the amount of drive power needed to pressurize the high side of the venturi will be linked to the size of the venturi it self. If it's a 3 inch pipe, necking down to 1.5 inch then it ain't gonna take alot of drive, if it's 12 inch, you are going to need a car engine connected to the fan.

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