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Originally posted by 151:

Tom cruise is one creepy motherfucker.


Though all accounts point to him being a nice dude. I just dont like the fact that he's just jumping into it. Never summited anything before, and he wants to start with everest. It's getting to be a tourist destination for the super rich. $60,000 gets you a guided trip up, with no garauntees, anyways. He's got enough money to stay there till the weather favors him. Personaly, I wouldn't want him on my team, No matter how nice he is. Inexperience is a liability.

Originally posted by Mowgli:

10% fatality rate on Mount Everest climbers - that still true? Odds are with him.

thats one in ten dead. I garauntee his climbing party will be over 10 people untill the home stretch. Ad in the sherpa's that will be carrying his crap, you're looking at well over 100. All of them have experience, odds what now? smile.gif
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Guest 420GSXR1000

i hate tom cruise, just like most celebs, he thinks hes a smart mf'er just because he makes big $$$$$$$ its just plain rediculous!!!! Or when they offer thier opinion on politics and shit i couldnt care less what they think, they are mostly stupid ppl. I dont want ppl to die, but i sure hope he learns a lesson up there.


and yea ther is NO WAY i would want him on my summit team either

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Originally posted by 420GSXR1000:

i hate tom cruise, just like most celebs, he thinks hes a smart mf'er just because he makes big $$$$$$$ its just plain rediculous!!!! Or when they offer thier opinion on politics and shit i couldnt care less what they think, they are mostly stupid ppl. I dont want ppl to die, but i sure hope he learns a lesson up there.


and yea ther is NO WAY i would want him on my summit team either

What makes your opinion more valuable than anyone else's?
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Originally posted by Mowgli:

I'd want him on my summit team. He could afford the helocopter to fly in and fly me down for eggs and toast at the base camp every morn.


With jelly.

Last week;


Aint the law of averages a bitch? tongue.gif

Not to mention the fact that there is no way you'd keep the food down after such trips. graemlins/puke.gif


On a side note, June 2005 has already claimed 2 lives on Everest in 2 seperate incedents that I know of, none involving helicopters.

edit; make that 3


[ 10. June 2005, 08:52 AM: Message edited by: The Stig ]

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Guest 420GSXR1000
Originally posted by copperhead:

What makes your opinion more valuable than anyone else's?


as Mr. wright said IT doesnt, but at least I KNOW this, most celebs seem that they actually believe their opinion IS better than others'


and his new GF....yea shes a rich bitch (her parents are, not from her either), parents are snobby and from what i hear (never met) her little sister is a bitch too....


oh and BTW, inexpirience = BIG TROUBLE on that mountain!!!!!! (and IM still on topic!!)


[ 10. June 2005, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: 420GSXR1000 ]

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Originally posted by The Stig:


Law of averages rocks - they got their crash done for the year.


And 'sides, movie stars don't rent cheap ass Russian leftover helos. You get what you pay for. We'll rent a big good ol Sikorsky with leather seats and a titty bar built in and bring John Travolta along as a spare pilot. And grey poupon for the wheat toast.


BTW - someone tried to tell me that helos can't even fly to the top of Everest, which is complete horseshit. 29,000ft is nothing for modern helos. Well, US and Euro helos... ;)


Who'm I kiddin- I won't be joining the Cruiser on the ride to the top. I'll be too busy nailing Nicole Kidman.

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

BTW - someone tried to tell me that helos can't even fly to the top of Everest, which is complete horseshit. 29,000ft is nothing for modern helos. Well, US and Euro helos... ;)

There is a difference between flying to 29,000 and landing at 29,000. ;) You need control to do it, and previous choppers could barely run at that altitude. This new one actualy has a margin of error up there.


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