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Greatest Achievement...?

Guest Crankshaft

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> Ok, so, you just died. Coronary failure, anurism, alcohol poisoning....after years of unsafe debauchery your dick falls off and you shoot yourself from misery....it doesn't matter. You're dead. Now, looking back, from this very point on, what is your single, greatest, shinning achievement in this life? What single action defines you best as a person, and seems to say, "I'm [X], I did this.". Secondly, what lasting legacy will you leave behind, from this very moment on, that future people will remember you by? What series of actions or inactions in your life will leave behind a lasting impression upon those who may or may not have known you?




Single greatest action--

1. saving a young woman and her baby from a burning building.

2. jumping on a grenade to save your comrades in battle.



1. raising a family and children and being remembered as a terrific father or mother.

2. always hosting the party at your house and never asking anyone else to pay for the beer.

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Originally posted by Y0gi:

The second legacy one is nonsense, I hope that people can be remembered for more than that... Great topic, bruh.

I dont think anyone realy grasps the gravity and importance of family until you have your own. I know I didn't. But in hind sight, I cant think of anything that my life couldn't do with out, accept my upcoming baby boy. smile.gif It WILL realign your perceptions. ;)


In close second, I would have to go with this:

http://www.summitpost.org/images/149399.thumb.jpg Clicky. To the doubters, I say try it. No singular activity challeneged me more, nor effected more emotionaly then completing that. I've never felt like I did, standing on top of that rock. Of course, there are more to come. ;)

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Guest Crankshaft
<font color ="midnightblue"> No, your single greatest achievement. While I'm sure that CR is a great accomplishment (think of all the people you've brought together, all the friendships that have been made because of you), surely your child must be up there. I would say CR is more of a legacy, but that's just me.
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Guest Elinar Longsight

My greatest action was when I was a lifeguard in Texas and I saved a 4 yr old little girl from drowning.


My greatest achievement...that is simple. My children, everything about them from the time of their births to now. Managing to raise a little girl who is exactly like Anthony without throttling her. There is not one greater achievement in being a parent, its the whole package, that makes it the greatest achievement.

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Originally posted by the Apostle:

<font color ="midnightblue"> No, your single greatest achievement. While I'm sure that CR is a great accomplishment (think of all the people you've brought together, all the friendships that have been made because of you

I couldnt even begin to imagine how many people has been brought together because of CR I know I personally have met some kickass people who I consider very good friends on here.Way to go sleeveless wonder graemlins/thumb.gif
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Originally posted by Old Dirty Bastard:

I would have been 15 when I knocked her mother up so tech. yes

So your almost twice as old as her. Way to talk about a girl that's half your age (and still illegal). graemlins/thumbsdown.giftongue.gif
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