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9-11...a demolition?!?


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you've got to be kidding me. That twit is totaly neglecting the fact that:

A; "preceding explosions" were fire, being blown out by the collapsing levels. Pour some flower on a table, and smack your hand down on it. The force of air pushes it out the sides of your hand, this is not a thermite explosion.

B; You do not need any of this to explain the delayed fall of the core. I dont think this ameteur physisist too into account the force of hundreds of thousands of tonns of collapsing material. The top floors may strip away from the central structure, but s that mass works its wy down, it accumulated more material, and ters at the lower sections of the centrl structure, its got no chance. Did this kid think tht we'd be left with a friggin spire of steel?


This guy has no concept of metal material tolerances, nor the forces that were at work inside the building and out of sight of the camera.

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Originally posted by Republicant:

LOLOLOLOL He said that there were no Infernos in the towers. That's when I stopped reading.

this would have to be one of the first times i agree with republicant
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