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Steelers STILL > *


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I can't believe that any of you are bragging about that game... It was pathetic to watch, and the Steelers are lucky that they won. You guys better hope that Plaxico gets better soon, or Big Ben's win streak will be coming to an abrupt end....


On the other hand... 16 for 18? God that kid has a fucking ARM on him.... :cool:

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Guest 01NFRs2k
Good teams find a way to win.. enough said.. there is little room for error in the NFL... there usually aren't blow-outs. Give Ben credit for his first last minute scoring drive. By the way, the Steelers have been my only team my whole life. Grew up near Pittsburgh.
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Originally posted by 99BlownYellowGT:

Wow the Steelers start winning and all the "fans" start coming out of the woodwork.Oh by the way are you guys RedSox "fans" also? graemlins/gay.gif

So, what would you want em to say when they lose.. "Steelers < * " ?



I was born in Pittsbugh. Been a fan my entire life.

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Originally posted by CJINOHIO03:

Eagles rule anyway

Unless they are playing Pittsburgh ;)tongue.gif


Once again, I have been a Steeler fan my entire life. I was born in Pittsburgh, and have rooted for them through thick and thin.


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I started watching the Steelers b/c of Ben R. Watched him all through college, and have followed him now that he has become pro. I have always like Cowher, always liked the Bus and thought Deuce was a good addition.


Should I have waited until a bad year to follow them?


Similarly, I like the Bears b/c Krenzel is there. I like watching the Cowboys b/c of George. I like watching the Bucs b/c of Galloway. I could go on and on.


Another thing, there are a lot of Buckeyes in the NFL... if I'm not lazy I'll compile a list.




...as a matter of fact...


[ 06. December 2004, 09:53 PM: Message edited by: MJ ]

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I have been a Steelers fan since I was born. Through the thick and thin. Even when we had Neil O'Donnell graemlins/puke.gif Regardless I still have a clock with him on it b/c Rod Woodson is on it and he is my all time favorite player. I also have a thing for the Seahawks, I think mostly b/c Galloway sparked my interests in them when he played there. A very close loss they had tonight vs. Dallas :(
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Couple things to remember -

1) Terry Bradshaw & co didn't win every game by a landslide either

2) When you're the #1 seed as Pgh is - EVERYONE EVERY TEAM gets up to play you

3) Jacksonville needed to win as that would've launched them up the playoff pole

4) a win is a win BABY


Steelers Rule & I luv it! smile.gif

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