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Im sure no one cares but im saying it anyways!


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so after two long fucking years its over. my girl finally told me it wasnt right anymore after she got tired of putting up with my bullshit. we will still be best of friends but i dont want that. i cant decide whether i should find a new girl that has more of the qualities i want or fight to get back the girl that i think is right for me even though she isnt perfect in every. ive tried everything to win her back but i cant. i screwed up big time and now im sitting here drugged up on my pain killers from my bike accident at 6:00 in the morning because i now single and worthless. like i said i know you guys dont care i just needed to vent. by the way were is a good place to meet some women. now that im not in high school anymore things are way different. i dont want a bar bitch either. i need something serious
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Go to church tomorrow morning, tell your sad story, explain how you have been living in sin, and would now like very much to continue on the path to God.

Church girls will serenade you, and by next week you will have a new Girlfriend. :D

This info is free!

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After high school the best source of females is your friends... and their friends... and their friends and so on.


Being with someone shouldn't take so much work. If you have to really go way out of your way to 'try' and make it work then it's probably not ment to be. If you are trying to find 'the right one' then you need to find someone who feels natural for you. Imagin having to 'work on your relationship' for the rest of your life... It shouldn't feel like work at all. I guess that's why divorce rate is high. Heh.

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don't start thinking like that ('I'm single and worthless'). Not true - you've just had a run of bad luck.


This is the same girl you rode pissed-off about and got hurt, isn't it? It sounds like she isn't right for you. I won't say 'move on' because it's not that easy, and you're right to not want to be friends. Maybe some guys could do it, but I never could either - just hurt to much.


Hang out with your friends and talk to them about it. Don't go on and on about to them (cause they'll hate you after a while), but it helps to have people around and get shit off your chest.. Also, avoid the places she will be at. It's going to take a while to get over it. Nothing you can do about that, but in 6 months or a year you'll look back and think 'how silly'.


Also, stay off the bike for a while. Too much shit running through your head. You need the concentration for the road. Drive around in your car, listen to music. If you aren't already, take a few days off of work, too.


I feel your pain. Been there done that. Even after being married for 6 years I remember what it was like, and it's not something I want to go through again.

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Fuck both of you, this guy is obviously having some serious problems and still cares about the girl, and you dickheads think that it's funny to ask for tit pics? Go fuck yourselves, and ask yourselves what you would think if someone did that to you in this situation.


Seriously man, There are soo many more fish in the sea.

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Guest Tigress01
Ya, no respect at all. Grow up. Don't go to bars or club and try to meet a girl. Most are just trying to get laid but there are some that are decent. I'd say go to church and as time goes on you'll feel better. It's not easy, trust me I know with my ex, but it doesn't hurt as bad.
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Hey douchebags, she's said and done it's over. Can't a fucking guy a take a fucking clue?


It's called move on and suck it up. I know him and her, it's called maybe make it out more often and you can make some jokes too to lighten the situation. Go fuck yourselves



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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by Y0gi:

Fuck both of you, this guy is obviously having some serious problems and still cares about the girl, and you dickheads think that it's funny to ask for tit pics? Go fuck yourselves, and ask yourselves what you would think if someone did that to you in this situation.


Seriously man, There are soo many more fish in the sea.



Damn 2 years. thats how long my g/f i have been dating. cant even imagine...

shit happens, then you die i guess.

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I know this isn't going to help at all, but I'm still in love with my ex from a year and a half ago... If its right, you'll be in my boat. If it isn't, you'll be over it in a little bit. Either way, give it some time and you'll know. The pain never goes away, it just changes...
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Originally posted by Tigress:

Ya, no respect at all. Grow up. Don't go to bars or club and try to meet a girl. Most are just trying to get laid but there are some that are decent. I'd say go to church and as time goes on you'll feel better. It's not easy, trust me I know with my ex, but it doesn't hurt as bad.

how about some respect for mustangs, can i have your number? I'm having a cookout and were in need for another picnic table. :(


to chris, the more you try the worse you will make it and the less chance of grtting her back, been there. Yes rejection sucks and drinking is an acceptable short term reaction. When you are over that stage find a rebound girl that will drink with you and fool around a little, DON"T GET ATTATCHED OR TRY TO START A RELATIONSHIP!!! In time you will get over it, meet a kick ass girl and be happy again, untill that time, hang out with some chicks and have some fun.

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thanks all for the replys, i didnt think many people would actually reply. anthony are you thinking of the girl that comes out with erik(1Runnin72SST)and I. if so thats his woman. last year the only time i came out was when my girl wasnt around. the only tit pics i had was on a digital camera and i thought it was mine but it was my step moms(we have the same kind of camera). she found them and got pissed and deleted them. talk about a funny situation when she saw my girlfriend the next time.


i dont know about all of this still. we are and will stay great friends. but she is sending me mixed signals, like talking about what the future will bring for us. im just not ready to be single. im tired of dating casually too, from the time i was 15-18 i dated and cheated on numerous girls. yes i was a man whore. but i was younger. i got cheated on when i was 18 and realized how bad it sucks and swore to never do it again and i havent. after that my whole mindset changed and i loved being in a serious relationship. im not ready to be out of one either. i have goals and plans for my life and i know im too young to get married still but in the near future i may. i dont want to be 27 and single still looking. i plan to have kids by then, and being single now just doesnt fit into my schedule of things. i dont want to take the time out to spend two years with another girl and decide if they are the one for me. this girl is the one for me, im just not ready yet. but i may be confused also. like i said i have no fucking clue :confused:

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Guest racinbird

Sorry to hear about your situation, it sucks, I've been there too many times myself. Im the 28 year old single guy that you dont want to be. Only time will help


But from reading your last statement you seem more worried about being alone then being away from her. Get your priorites straight, do you miss her or just fear being alone?

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Originally posted by I Drive It...It Breaks:

i got cheated on when i was 18 and realized how bad it sucks and swore to never do it again and i havent. after that my whole mindset changed and i loved being in a serious relationship. im not ready to be out of one either. i have goals and plans for my life and i know im too young to get married still but in the near future i may. i dont want to be 27 and single still looking. i plan to have kids by then, and being single now just doesnt fit into my schedule of things. i dont want to take the time out to spend two years with another girl and decide if they are the one for me. this girl is the one for me, im just not ready yet. but i may be confused also. like i said i have no fucking clue :confused:

1. you are no cheating by dating other people, SHE BROKE UP WITH YOU!!!!


2. ONE person CAN'T just be in a serious relationship. it's better to be 27 and still looking than 29 with a 1 year old and devorced (read: poor) because you weren't patient. don't want to bother with investing time on somone else? I'm hoping devorce and child support wasn't in your "life plans" because 60% of ALL marrages today end in devorce, and a majority of those are because they weren't ready or decided to go for Mrs./Mr. rightnow instead of Mrs./Mr. Rightforyou.


3. If she want's to come back she will on her own, leave her alone and have a good time, the more you "work" at getting her back, the less chance it will happen. It's damn kindergarden psyhcology (sp?) we want what ISN'T easily accesable. YOu can have a whole garage full of your favorate food in the world, yet you will still get sick of it if it finds it's way on your plate every day.

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Originally posted by Just Another F-body:

+1 on the no bar bitches

Unless you're just looking for someone to bang.


Man has got to get his priorities straight.


BTW, if you keep trying to get her back, then she knows she has you and can just come running back anytime things don't go her way. Don't go down that path. Let it go as much as possible. If you are going to remain friends, then just keep it as that. Don't go out of your way (anymore than a friend would) to help her out.


I personally am not a believer in the 'friends' thing. Once you have been emotionally involved with someone, it's almost impossible to remain friends.

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Originally posted by Y0gi:

Fuck both of you, this guy is obviously having some serious problems and still cares about the girl, and you dickheads think that it's funny to ask for tit pics? Go fuck yourselves, and ask yourselves what you would think if someone did that to you in this situation.


Seriously man, There are soo many more fish in the sea.

jesus christ Jon, what the fuck? I actualy agree with you 100% How often does that happen? tongue.gif


Back on topic:

Dude, never come to this board with relationship problems, unless you want to increase them. You'll either find hopelssly single loosers, of guys who haven't seen their dicks or balls in half a decade because the wife has in the jar she's keeping them in. you're going to get ignorant advice, or horny pent up "I wanna fuck anything thats not wearing a ring I bought!" advice.


Listen to what stillman said, accept that last melodramatic part (he's still workin though it, kinda pessimistic ;) ) By you say "I'm not in highschool anymore", I'm willing to bet that you recently were, i.e. you're young. In all honnesty I have no good news to give you. Soon after graduation, 90% of females loose their damn minds. You may get her back, but it wont be any time soon. Mixed signals means "Hmm, I want a good guy eventualy, but I'm just in the mood to party and fuck anything that moves". Happens to everyone, some respond differently.


My advice; Relax. You're thinking too much. Stop thinking so hard about what you have to do, how to act, what to say, what should you do, what she's doing, wants to do, etc etc. Just relax, and the best answers will come naturaly. Happyness is built on descisions of 50% mind and 50% heart, with a solid foundation of luck. Let her have her space, but stay in touch. Most importantly, do try to act like anything, be yourself. Step forth into this brave new world of being single, meet as many people as you can, you never know what can happen, it's a beutiful thing. graemlins/thumb.gif


Apove all, never post while on pain killers. smile.gif

Originally posted by Larry:

BTW, if you keep trying to get her back, then she knows she has you and can just come running back anytime things don't go her way. Don't go down that path.

I walked that path once, it killed me, or at least, it killed a part of me that I'd come to enjoy. It's emotional seppuku. If she takes you, you'll feel great. If she doesn't...do you know what seppuku is? I did that for over a year with a freind, and I always had a feeling, she had to know. I'm with someone now who treats me 10x better (totaly too good for me:)), but it's never the same, and never will be, and to this day I still have dreams, I haven't seen her in 6 months, accept in my sleep.

Dont put all your eggs in one basket, not untill said basket is in it's late 20's and at least has has a clue what they want.

But then again, chance favors the bold!

My point? No one has any fucking clue what you need to do, accept you. graemlins/thumb.gif

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Guest anickell
Breaking up is hard to do, but it's the experience that makes your future brighter or darker depending on what you do with yourself. If you take it positively and just keep going and doing the things you normally do you'll probably be ok. But if you make an effort to hunt for a new woman or be someone your not, then you'll never find "it". Time usually makes things clearer.
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Originally posted by 1fastvolvo:

Breaking up is hard to do, but it's the experience that makes your future brighter or darker depending on what you do with yourself. If you take it positively and just keep going and doing the things you normally do you'll probably be ok. But if you make an effort to hunt for a new woman or be someone your not, then you'll never find "it". Time usually makes things clearer.

Way to follow your own advice, getting engaged shortly after us breaking up and all...



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Guest 420GSXR1000

yea.. that sucks, but i agree with STIG....relax, your young, dont worry about what you feel your life has to be in the future, work and it will happen


as for lost love, shit man it sucks, we all know that, but you have to move on , if shes for you she will come back on her own, if not, well...my girl dumped me after years of waiting on me to step up, and i should have in retrospect, there are others that are just, if not more, compatible withya, shit i just met a chic over the weekend that rocks (no luck though), but she was reall cool, remember when making talk with the chics man, you dont always have to score, you can be friends too, that just means she can realize what a great guy you are and set ya up with all her cute friends ;)


there out there man, the REAL ones... cool girls that arent high maint. or stuckup on their looks


shit man ...look at GSRCHICS profile.....she rocks (not by looks only either....shes actually werks on her own shit man!!!!!! now thats what counts!!!!!)and NO SHES TAKEN DUDE (remember no harrassment of the females!!!), too bad she doesnt have an older sister for me ;) lol (j/k gsrchic.....maybe) ;)


it all gets better with time!!!!

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