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Im sure no one cares but im saying it anyways!


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actually lately things have been nice. very hard still but nice. we have spent some time together and it was great. but we have gave each other space. she is sending a lot of mixed signals though. we werent out an hour on friday before we were at each others hip and it was all on her. it was hard to say goodbye for me that night but we have since talked about it. i realize now that she doesnt want to just let go of me yet and i think the best thing for us right now is time. i realize also that if it is right and meant to be it will be just that.
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Guest 420GSXR1000
Originally posted by I Drive It...It Breaks:

actually lately things have been nice. very hard still but nice. we have spent some time together and it was great. but we have gave each other space. she is sending a lot of mixed signals though. we werent out an hour on friday before we were at each others hip and it was all on her. it was hard to say goodbye for me that night but we have since talked about it. i realize now that she doesnt want to just let go of me yet and i think the best thing for us right now is time. i realize also that if it is right and meant to be it will be just that.

well im glad to hear that, and glad to see that you may have a different view now, but remember....


now heres the pesimistic side (sorry man)...


i think chics like to "hang on" after a long relationship because they dont want to feel all the pain of total loss (it can hurt just way too bad), if they break slowly its easier for em (chickens!!!).....and besides ..there all evil man....


but seriously....i think you have a better head on now from ur last post, so i can stop worrying about hearing about you on the news!!!


edit: oh yea...this must be good "therapy" cause everytime i read this or reply i doo deep thought on past stuff and things gone wrong and ect....man this sucks!!!!



l8rs doooood

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I think The Stig said it best.....


My $0.02 worth... take the time you need and enjoy the time you have. However, do not fool yourself into thinking it will ever be like it was.


I bet everyone on here has had heartbreak at one time or another. It is a part of life, and life, after all, is about the experiences.


Be strong and keep your chin up.... it will get better. graemlins/thumb.gif

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Guest GSRchick714
Originally posted by 420GSXR1000:

[QB]shit man ...look at GSRCHICS profile.....she rocks (not by looks only either....shes actually werks on her own shit man!!!!!! now thats what counts!!!!!)and NO SHES TAKEN DUDE (remember no harrassment of the females!!!), too bad she doesnt have an older sister for me ;) lol (j/k gsrchic.....maybe) ;)



I agree with mostly everyone's comments...the only thing I ever tell guys is just to be patient and dont' expect the perfect girl to show up on your doorstep, you DO have to go out and look and they ARE out there.

Good luck! graemlins/thumb.gif

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Guest 420GSXR1000
Originally posted by Ich bin der Teufel:

Don't let it go to your head Emily... We all know Nick helps you with your car and thus it will break. Hahaha! Just kidding girlie.

she lie to me.... :confused:
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