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Paintball CO2 tank decided to pop it's top.....


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at 4 in the f**king morning!


I have NEVER jumped so far in my entire life. Nothing like being sound asleep at 4am, when the pressurized CO2 tank sitting beside your bed decides it to blow a damn burst disk. White smokey shit flying everywhere. Burned my fingers because I grabbed the damn tank while it was spewing it's shit everywhere. Lost my $3.84 worth of CO2 I just had put in it a few days ago.


I thought a house was under attack. Not the way I usually like to be woken up.


Rant off. I'm gonna try to go back to bed now. Gotta check my room to make sure no more explosive objects are laying around though. :mad:

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I had something fall off my wall a few weeks ago only I didnt know at the time that it was that which had made the loud ass crash. I was entirely convinced that someone had broken in and was hiding somewhere in my place.


2 hours later, having searched the entire place, clutching my Heavy ass flashlight, I fell asleep. The next day I realized what had fallen.

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I had a 6ft tall wooden frame leaning against my living room wall downstairs while I was moving stuff around.


Same story...4am for some reason the frame falls over making an ungodly racket. I wake up to the clatter downstairs and my neighbors dog barking. I had a flipping fit and freaked my wife out. I ran downstairs with a Mag Lite in my skivvies with my eyes as big as coconuts. Sure enough, the frame fell over but I wasn't convinced of that fact until I searched the snow-covered ground around my house, garage, and all windows and doors.


I also love weather but don't take well to thunderstorms. My subconscious must hear the storm coming a mile away because I usually have bad dreams and awake when a clap of thunder rattles my house all freaked out again.


Yep...being jolted awake by "bumps in the night" is NOT my idea of fun. :eek:graemlins/burnout02.gif

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

I had something fall off my wall a few weeks ago only I didnt know at the time that it was that which had made the loud ass crash. I was entirely convinced that someone had broken in and was hiding somewhere in my place.


2 hours later, having searched the entire place, clutching my Heavy ass flashlight, I fell asleep. The next day I realized what had fallen.

Someone *WAS* in your house. Watching you sleep. Ate a peanut butter sandwich. Then they knocked down the painting. You just didn't catch them.


They'll be back tonight.

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i had a boom box do that once... fell behind my dresser... had no clue what it was... i was like *thud* *mild heartattack* WTF! then i proceded to turn on all the lights in the house holding a big ass damn knife...



whats even freakier is when you have a door that dosnt get shut all the way and you get up to take a pee in the middle of the night to find it wide open... that'll freak yaout

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