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Private pilot license???


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Who here has their pilot's license? It's always been a dream of mine and, after getting "Plane and Pilot" magazine for the past year, I'm jonesing to get my license in the next few years.


I know it's pretty expensive to get a basic, single-engine certification, but I'd love to hear experiences from people on the board.

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tell em that I refered you, or hell, pm me and ill set you up with a recruiter, see if we cant get you in as a rotary wing aviator or something aviation related.


Originally posted by The Stig:

what about joining the Civil Air Patrol...er, Corpse, er, Guard, er, whatever it's called. Wouldn't they pick up some of it free?

If you've got the finnese, got for a helo liscense, you can make more money and do it locally.

doing it for money requires a comercial piolits liscence. takes about 5 years at osu to go through thier program at don scott for a comercial liscence. You could enroll at osu and take some of the begining aviation courses, wich will get you your private liscsnce in a relatively short time. (plus its college credit hours)

pm me if you want more info on osu aviation.

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My father went through the whole process, vfr wasn't to tough, you can get lessons at almost any local field. VFR is pretty useless as a whole if you actually want to do some traveling. IFR is pretty much a necessity if you want to do anytyhing over the mountians. But once you get it you'll wonder why you ever waited so long. 9 hour drive to S.C. or a 4 hour flight? Plus on a whole planes really aren't that expensive (if you think how much people spend on luxury cars these days). While up-keep is pricey you can join a flight club, or take on partners and buy an airplane jointly. Once I graduate I am definetely getting my liscence.
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