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Beer Review: 60 Minute IPA

Guest Ranger_Man

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Guest Ranger_Man

This review features yet another beer from a brewery that has appeared in multiple reviews done before. That brewery is Dogfish Head out of Milton, Delaware and the beer is their 60 Minute IPA. For those of you who do not know, IPA stands for India Pale Ale. The beer originated in Britain around, if I can remember right, the early 1800s when Colonial Britain was doing much trading in south west Asia. Back then there was no Suez Canal so the trip from Britain to India was a very long one since they had to go all the way around Africa. Being sailors, they needed beer to have with them on the long journey. Unfortunately the ships of the day lacked refrigeration so the beer would go sour before they reached their destination. However, luck was on the sailors’ side since the hops in beer acts as a preservative. The brewers of the day just added obscene amounts of hops to the brew and then the beers would keep for the entire voyage. Thus the name: India Pale Ale.


Some of you readers may be wondering what the “60 Minute” part of the name means. Well, that refers to the length of the boil. In the Dogfish Head lineup there are three IPAs: 60 Minute, 90 Minute, and 120 Minute. I have had the 90 Minute before, but I have yet to find the 120 Minute in either a store, or a bar.


Bottle: Only one main label is on the bottle and it has little information. At the top of the label are the Dogfish Head logo and the name of the beer. In the middle of the label are the words, “The continually hopped, bottle-conditioned India Pale Ale.” The Label is covered with a picture of hops.


Pour: The beer pours out as a semitransparent golden color. The head starts out as a thick, bubbly, white cloud and it slowly eases down into a thin lace. The beer smells like a cross between citrus and pine. A Medium amount of carbonation can be seen through the beer.


Taste: The beer immediately greets you with a blast of citrus and pine upfront. Some, or most, of you are now cringing at the thought of a beer tasting like pine and citrus, but you can take my word when I say that it is not a bad taste at all. In fact, the pine/citrus taste compliments the hop aftertaste rather well, making a nice balance between sweet and spicy. Yes, there is a hop aftertaste and yes, it is rather strong. However, remember, that is the point of the beer and without it you certainly do not have an IPA.


Overall: I like it. Since I can go five minutes down the street and buy it at HEB, I definitely like it. The fact that I can have this beer and pair it with the spiciest foods around is something I truly enjoy. Given an even choice, I would take the 90 minute over the 60 any day. However, the 90 Minute IPA may be better, but since I have only been able to find it at Gingerman, it makes it rather scarce and therefore I deem the 60 minute IPA just as good.




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about damn time you reviewed a beer that is worthwhile :D


you need to get the 120-min and ImmortAle


that stuff has so much flavor and alcohol, just 4 will make you feel pretty darn good, Dogfish Head is the beat beer.evar. IMO

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