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Beer Review: Kirin Beer

Guest Ranger_Man

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Guest Ranger_Man

This beer has traveled half way around the world to be reviewed by yours truly. The transporter of the beer was TRS’ own ‘SE-ARRRGH’, aka Justin. So if you enjoy this review, thank Justin, because without him, this review would not happen. Justin, thanks for dragging a beer all the way back from Hong Kong just for me.


I honestly have no history or useable information on this beer since only half of the bottle-can is in English and the website is, you guessed it, not in English either. The only thing that I have managed to gather is that this is more than likely some form of a pilsner. If my memory serves me right, this beer is available stateside in bottles and some places, such as Mimosa on Barton Springs, have it on draught.


Bottle: This is by far the neatest can of beer that I have ever seen. The can looks like it is made from plastic, but in all actuality it is made from aluminum. The can has a screw on top, rather than a pop top like American cans have. After debating this notion of a screw on top for quite some time, I have come up with a theory. The one bit of information pertaining to the beer that I was able to gather off of the English version of the website was the fact that the beer is sold in vending machines. Now, stopping at a rest stop, buying a beer and then continuing your journey would sure be made easier by a screw on cap to prevent spills.


The can has a picture of a half horse, half dragon on the front of it with a bit of text underneath that says,


“Brewing from the first wort gives this quality draft beer an impeccable, full-bodied flavor. Kirin’s Original Brew- distinctively smooth, refreshing and satisfying.”


Pour: The beer pours out with a straw colored hue and a whole lot of carbonation. A small head greats you at the end of the pour and then with the pace of a race car, it evacuates the premises. This leaves behind a weak, fizzy smell of malt that just does not do much for the beer.


Taste: Weak malt that leaves me very little to talk about is upfront with bubbles, bubbles everywhere taking a backseat. The bubbles consume everything in the mouth and even manage to get in between your teeth. The last taste you get is a bland bitterness that really does not add anything other than closure to the tasting experience.


Overall: There are worse beers out there and there are better beers out there. I would rate this beer as average as far as pilsners are concerned. The can, however, for that alcoholic on the go, is professional bad ass.




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