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Horror Movie (rant)


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How come ever since the Sixth Sence every horror- suspense movie is exactly the same???? Ghost picks soemone to haunt/ beat the crap out of etc. the ghosts shows the person a series of clues and the person has to solve their horrible murder. The Ring, Dragonfly and I'm sure more are like this. I just saw Gothika which was the SAME thing. Just sucks cause you see it coming a mile away there's no suspense anymore.
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Dawn of the dead = to unrealistic, out of the relm of possability.


I mean come on, like a fucking zombie is ever going to be able to chew through and infect Burt reynolds 183 year old hide, don't think so. :D

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Guest stvbreal

You want a classic horror movie rent Evil Dead and Evil Dead II. It has some funny parts but the demon possesions and cinimatography scare the hell out of you. The candarian demon chants from the recordings, first person views of demons running through the woods. Classic ! ! Watch this movie then take a stroll through the woods late at night.



BTW - Predator > Alien


He has the weapons and the camo. Alien has no chance. :D

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Guest stvbreal

Predator has the technology. He can auto-track the Alien running and blast his ass with the shoulder cannon.


The camo would have no effect:


The alien uses motion and pressure senses to locate prey. It can also use smell and hearing as well, but it has no form of visual senses. It cannot be blinded in any way. The alien is also immune to radiation, and all Gases. However, because its senses are based on pressure and feeling, the creature is sensitive to very loud booms, as sensitive as humans. However, the one thing the aliens will curdle to is heat. Like most animals, the Alien will retreat from fire .


The marines were fighting mor than one Xenomorph. Imagine having to fight more than one Predator with the weapons the marines had.


[ 15. May 2004, 03:52 PM: Message edited by: EvilEvo ]

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Originally posted by Ricochet:

Dawn of the Dead = best horror movie in a long time. The rest have been sucking lately.

i cant agree with this statement, i do although think that dawn of the dead is a great comedy.
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Originally posted by EvilEvo:

Predator has the technology. He can auto-track the Alien running and blast his ass with the shoulder cannon.


The camo would have no effect:


The alien uses motion and pressure senses to locate prey. It can also use smell and hearing as well, but it has no form of visual senses. It cannot be blinded in any way. The alien is also immune to radiation, and all Gases. However, because its senses are based on pressure and feeling, the creature is sensitive to very loud booms, as sensitive as humans. However, the one thing the aliens will curdle to is heat. Like most animals, the Alien will retreat from fire .


The marines were fighting mor than one Xenomorph. Imagine having to fight more than one Predator with the weapons the marines had.

Alien > predator


first encounter:

preditor camo is useless and aliens are invisable to the peditors heat vision = dead preditor before he even knows alien exists.

after preditor learns he cannot see his prey with his helmet:

predator is a solitary hunter, aliens swarm on thier prey, and in close combat acid for blood, mindless animals with a need to protect thier lair and feed vs. solitary hunter = still dead predator.


i know it's stupid to argue over but "if the shoe fits" :D

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actually, the predator can see aliens with his helmet. it has several vision modes, one of which is electromagnetism, and the alien has a particular electromagnetic signature.



im a dork, i know. guess thats what i get for reading the comics.

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Originally posted by EvilEvo:

You want a classic horror movie rent Evil Dead and Evil Dead II. It has some funny parts but the demon possesions and cinimatography scare the hell out of you. The candarian demon chants from the recordings, first person views of demons running through the woods. Classic ! ! Watch this movie then take a stroll through the woods late at night.

Evil Dead/Evil Dead 2/Army of Darkness are not really horror movies IMO.


This was very obvious w/ Army of Darkness, as it went deeper into the comedy realm (and was the best of the 3 IMO), but all were just comical.

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Originally posted by Red Lude SH:

How come ever since the Sixth Sence every horror- suspense movie is exactly the same???? Ghost picks soemone to haunt/ beat the crap out of etc. the ghosts shows the person a series of clues and the person has to solve their horrible murder. The Ring, Dragonfly and I'm sure more are like this. I just saw Gothika which was the SAME thing. Just sucks cause you see it coming a mile away there's no suspense anymore.

I did not see Dragonfly, but I did see The Ring and Gothika. I thought Gothika was a lot better than The Ring. And I really didn't see the end of Gothika coming at all. Which was nice.
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Originally posted by Slowica GT:

I did not see Dragonfly, but I did see The Ring and Gothika. I thought Gothika was a lot better than The Ring. And I really didn't see the end of Gothika coming at all. Which was nice.

No way man! The Ring > Gothika. As soon as I saw who Halle's husband really was, I knew immediately that his cop buddy was the bad guy.


I definitely did not see The Ring's ending coming at all. It left me traumatized for weeks.

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