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Anyone need any Zaino products?


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please don't take this post the wrong way...I'm not trying to sell any Zaino products, I'm about to make an order and wanted to see if anyone needed anything and wanted to go in on shipping with me. Seeing as though I order quite a bit for my detailing business I know how much of a pain in the butt shipping costs can be if you only have to order a few simple things. If anyone needs anything and wants to share the shipipng costs now is your chance. Please let me know. best way to reach me is via e-mail: kutscha@nationwide.com



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I don't smile.gif . Yet. But I do have a question. Ya know when you put the ZFX stuff into Z2.. they say if it's left in there for over 12 hours, throw the entire bottle away as it can't be used again. Just curious. what makes it go "bad"? I had a bottle from over a month ago that I mixed and used it on my wifes Buick as a test dummy smile.gif and it seemed to work fine.
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I posed the same question to Sal Zaino and the response that I got was that basically the ZFX acts like a hardner for the polish to help it cure faster on the paint. If left in the polish too long it will begin to harden and cause the polish to become streaky and could harm the finish of the paint because some of the polish could be hard.


BUT...I tend to agree with Throttle Jockey...I won't mix the batch with hardener back into the main bottle...BUT generally unless I see obvious hardened clumps in the mixing bottle I don't throw it out.

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