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Don't buy gas?

Guest Rane

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Originally posted by ThrottleJockey:

im stating my opinion on the situation... is free speach not allowed in america? o wait its heading that way. since bush took over the FCC has been crackin down on free speach in the media. oo what a "free" world we live in now a days.

i will freely speak my mind about bush all i want. and it does pertain to the topic. Bush is the reason gas prices have risen.


end. of. story.

That's great. Speak your opinion, I never said to not speak it. However, your opinion has absolutely nothing to do with the original poster's question of what we thought about this supposed "gas boycott". Not about what you thought about the President. That's why I said, take your Bush-hate speach to another thread if you want to discuss that.




go to this forum:




There, you can sit back and spew your hatred for the president all day and people will pat you on the back and say, "Here! Here!"

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I say hick the prices up, mabye then all those worthless suvs will start dieing off. There is no need for a car that gets 12 mpg to be drving around with one person. (mad)

(For the 2 people that actully use there suvs to tow something or go out on a farm ect, yay for them but i would 90% or more are just worthless, and what about luxary suvs WTF.)

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Guest Tony_K



Freedom of speech - if you were black and I called you n****r, can I hide behind "freedom of speech"?


Stop being so concerned about what tasteless and offensive things you can get away with saying and start being more concerned about being polite to people.


When things people say become offensive, "freedom of speech" is trumped by the right to happiness a peacable existence. Remember that for every foul thing you want to be free to tell the world, there are people who would feel hurt or attacked by your words, to whom you are being hostile.


/return to gasoline discussion

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people can be as hurtful towards me as they want. words are words. these things do not affect the person i am, or will be. i am my own person and will continue to be. i dont think racial slurrs, or offensice things said are right. but i will stand up for what i beleive in. and i beleive this democracy is goign to shit. i dont beleive our goverment is going in the right direction, and i dont think Bush is making very wise choices, or choices for the right reason.


im not tryin to come off hostile, i jsut wish the lazy people of this society would get off their asses realize and do something about this society. If that would even help.


Todays politics are insane, i dont feel as if voting is even a fair situtation anymore, wiht all the recounts and missing chads.. whatever the gay is going on. voters will not get a real outcome. hence why i do not vote.


i think assertive action should be taken to replace the idiocy we call president, so our nation, our government, our society can better itself. and our economy can be what it once was.


and like i said before... I dislike bush and everything he stands for, but i would not want to see Kerry in the white house either. so im not one sided.

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Originally posted by Rane:

Blah blah blah, "People need to make a change!" "I don't vote!"...ok? What do you want someone to do kill the president for you.

i knew someone would bring that up


i stated why i dont vote


because elections are rigged.


i myself do not know how to assert the situation. but i knwo waht is going on is bad for everyone.. but the people running the show.

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Originally posted by ThrottleJockey:

i knew someone would bring that up


i stated why i dont vote


because elections are rigged.


i myself do not know how to assert the situation. but i knwo waht is going on is bad for everyone.. but the people running the show.

No vote, No care. You don't vote, your opinion will not affect me, nor anyone else. You want people to listen to you? Get off your ass, stop complaining and go vote. Your opinion won't be taken seriously until YOU take action. You know Hitler was put into power by 1 vote, just ONE vote. If you don't like Bush or Kerry, go vote for Nader.
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Originally posted by ThrottleJockey:

i do not like any of the candidates for president.. therefore i shall not vote

Then your opinion means nothing. It will continue to mean nothing till you take action.
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hahahaha, if no one has caught on yet bush is the smartest gas person for america EVAR, while the middle east goes about bleeding themselves of the only resource they have we sit back conserving our oil reserves in alaska offshore and the west, yeah it hurts a little bit right now but when the production shifts to us we will have everything, then we can start our takeover of the world that the liberals keep telling us that bush is trying to do, oh yeah compare our gas prices to other places and see we still have a pretty good deal going on, that is weird our government is messing stuff up pretty bad right there
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Originally posted by ThrottleJockey:

if OPEC wern't such a petrol hungry dictators, and the liberal enviromentalist kooks would allow us to drill our own oil then we wouldnt be in this problem. get tree huggers out of the washington D.C. means fuel prices go down. we haven't had a major oil embargo since 1979 and 2.00 a gallon is going to cost me .87 cents more a day. this war is protecting the future good of the country, and the rest of the world, 2003 had LESS international terroist attacks than any year since 1969. We as a country are paying more per barrel than ever before, and if Clinton would have had the balls he would have gon in and kicked saddam out himself. In the end, no one is really changing thier life style because of paying a little more for gas, just like when cigarettes went from 2 to 3 bucks a pack *end rant*


The tax cuts were just a way for bush to stimulate the economy, in the past when WORLD war's have broke out, the economy flourished, so is it any big surprise that since the the tech boom colapsed in 2000, the economy has gone to hell, and they only way to stimulate it is for people to spend money because we make a bigger difference in the economy than anything else. *end rant*


Bush took this attack on america and acted accordingly, when the WTC was bombed in 1993 we tossed a few missles over there and then got attacked agian only worse because we didn't do anything the first time. i dont want that dick kerry in the white house either, he is a moron..

Bush's term as looked like JFK's in a couple ways, they are 2 of the only 3 presidents to cut taxes, and it worked to help stimulate the esconomy. JFK started Vietnam, people say that bush started another vietnam.


im stating my opinion on the situation... and free speach is allowed in america? so You are also have the right to critisize my ignorance. The FCC (which reports to congress, not the president) has been enforcing their rules in the media. what a "free" world we live in now a days, where we can openly protest the president and when asked for his opinion of it he says "I think we live in a great country where people can express thier opinion.


i will freely speak my mind about bush all i want. even if it doesn't pertain to the topic. Bush has had nothing to do with gas prices rising, and i implore you to make a logical and factual argument otherwise.


not. done. YET.


i believe the nation should have our rights. thats we are a FREE nation.. where i can have an ignorant biased point of view and not be persicuted for it. I should be happy that i live somewhere that doesn't cut my dick off for talking bad about the leader like was the case in Iraq. its gonna be a a free country too, soon.

Edited for ignorance.
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Originally posted by B Dubs:

I say hick the prices up, mabye then all those worthless suvs will start dieing off. There is no need for a car that gets 12 mpg to be drving around with one person. (mad)

(For the 2 people that actully use there suvs to tow something or go out on a farm ect, yay for them but i would 90% or more are just worthless, and what about luxary suvs WTF.)

ABSO-FUCKING-LUTLY! This is a True liberal view (i mean it in a good way) instead of a totally partisan one. I dissagree with your stance, but It makes logical sence and it is Consistant with your belief, it's good to see somone with opposing views that is also honest. graemlins/thumb.gif
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wow hoblick im soo glad you picked up an anti bush pamphlet before posting instead of doing research on the topic. but since i beat this argument in the head everyday in school im just gonna say high gas prices suck, our gas is still dirt cheap, and opec is the reason we have to pay more for gas and they woulda been douchebags whether we were in the middle east or not.
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Originally posted by ThrottleJockey:

you are gay... that is all.. tongue.gif

if wanting to strieghten out a fucked up point of view with fact instead of bullshit is gay, bend over. I'll be nice enough to give a reach around. graemlins/leghump.gif
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Guest silverbullet
i jsut wish the lazy people of this society would get off their asses realize and do something about this society

lol...kind of ironic how u call out all the lazy ppl to do something..yet u dont even participate in the easiest act of all the civil duties there are..which is voting...if u dont like the way things are being done...get up and DO SOMETHING..stop being a keyboard warrior

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How the fuck are elections rigged jesus. If you look back in history, most of the votes were so damn close that news papers printed the losers as winners. Then you have a few blowout years and everyone gets soft, next thing you know we have a true american election in which people actually participate but not only that its an accurate sample of the country HALF and HALF holy shit whatdo you know. Then the loser calls bs and finds evidence the winner won so they dont give a shit about why the loser lost and everyone bitches for 4 years. But not voting is the worste thing of all. *THERE ARE OTHER ITEMS ON BALOTS* heaven forbid you get out and vote for your schools or other issues. If you dont wanna vote for the 2 lead guys find someone who isnt gonna win but you agree with and vote for them. The winners do take note of who 3rd and 4th are, cause they want those votes next year.
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