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Don't buy gas?

Guest Rane

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Originally posted by ThrottleJockey:

you are gay... that is all.. tongue.gif

you know, for someone who puts "that is all", or "end of story" in damn near every post he makes nowadays, you cetainly are all about wasting bandwidth with your useless gibberish. if your going to spout off at the mouth, maybe you should get a new tag line.
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I like Hoblick and all, but this Liberal Bullshit has got to go. Kyle wins, because he uses sensical arguments backed up by fact, and, in a first for columbus racing, Offers a solution to the problem or question in his actual post! It is not Bush who is making gas prices go up, It's OPEC. They know several things:

1. Their oil supply is going to be gone in an estimated fifty years.

2. Gas is as much a necessity to Americans as water is.

3. We have our own oil that we have not used yet for whatever reasons.


They are using these three huge factors to their advantage, ie; Getting as much money as possible while they still can. Once they run out of oil, that region has NOTHING, unless sand becomes popular as an interior decorating tool.


Oh, and whoever is claiming that Gas prices would be better without Bush, Let us assume (and this is the probable thing to assume) that Kerry is the alternative to Bush. His plan? Raise gas prices to five dollars a gallon, to encourage people to purchase HYBRID CARS. That's a reat plan, since in a news article posted by Mark earlier, Hybrid cars don't get anywhere near the claimed gas mileage numbers. graemlins/bubbrubb.gif for Kerry. Douchebag. :rolleyes:



Oh, and will someone let me know when Kerry stops advertising that he was forced to go to 'Nam, and when he actually lets us know what his political views are? Thanks.

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Guest stevil

Kerry and family owns like 7 SUVs. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif


Supply and demand. Gas is practically a necessity in this world. If those in control of the oil want to raise the price, they can, and we will pay. It's that simple. Bush has nothing to do with gasoline prices.


Inflation is in effect also. Gradually everything gets more expensive. You don't really notice it, but with something where the price changes daily (which should be illegal) like gas you do notice it. I'll admit, I think the price has risen way too much.


Not sure how many people on here pay attention at the grocery, but dairy products have jumped way up recently. The price of cheese for us went up $0.60 a pound. Not sure why, but the rumor is that dairy farmers are sending some of their cattle to the slaughter house since meat is in (Atkins diet) and more popular/profitable now. Less dairy cows = more expensive dairy products. A $0.60 per pound jump! How does that compare to gas? It's effect? We had to raise our prices for pizza.


Everything is all relative. Money doesn't mean anything, it's the prices that matter, the ecoonomy. Gas prices go up, and you'll see everything else go up in price. You'll also see increases in your pay, minimum wage will be raised, etc. Back in the day something like candy bars cost a nickel, gas was twenty cents, and minimum wage was $1.00. Someday candybars will be $2.00, gas will cost $8.00 and minimum wage will be $25.

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I'm amazed no one has mentioned that The U.S. is using more fuel than ever before, with minimal raises in gas prices. Demand has gone up and prices stayed relitively low compared to other consumable products.


also suprised he hasn't played the "outsourcing" card yet.


Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

i'll be rich biatch

to bad a new civic dx will cost 50,000 though :(
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i have done my research on bush... i ahve read alot on the Skull and Bones organization that both George W, and his father participated in. From this alone makes me dislike Bush. If anyone has read up on this they would agree to. i can list some of the hard facts you want to support my argument if you want.
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Originally posted by ThrottleJockey:

[Q] i have done my research on bush... i ahve read alot on the Skull and Bones organization that both George W, john Kerry and bush Sr. participated in. From this alone makes me dislike Bush. If anyone has read up on this they would agree to. i can list some of the hard facts you want to support my argument if you want. [/Q]

nice half truth there.

skull and bones = glorified fraternity, yeay. graemlins/jerkit.gif

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Dude you wanna talk skull and cross bones. Read into the finances of Kerry's wife. o wait you can't cause she withheld her records. Face it man every wealthy political family is in the club. They may run against each other but they all help one another out. You cant just point fingers and shout wolf cause everyone in the game has pointy ears and a bushy tail. You lose sense of the issues in the hubub. Look at simple facts. Whos voted for what and why, what they say they're going to do. (which doesn't matter anyway) Its all about whats good for the party. Not necessarily the people. Wheres mark on this one he has far more political experience than anyone on here and usually ends this stuff in one post.




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Originally posted by Drunkendubber:

Dude you wanna talk skull and cross bones. Read into the finances of Kerry's wife. o wait you can't cause she withheld her records. Face it man every wealthy political family is in the club. They may run against each other but they all help one another out. You cant just point fingers and shout wolf cause everyone in the game has pointy ears and a bushy tail. You lose sense of the issues in the hubub. Look at simple facts. Whos voted for what and why, what they say they're going to do. (which doesn't matter anyway) Its all about whats good for the party. Not necessarily the people. Wheres mark on this one he has far more political experience than anyone on here and usually ends this stuff in one post.




Take a bow, sir. :D
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