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Missing wallet - Please help


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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

step 1: Cancel cards.

step 2: File police report.

step 3: Buy velcro or a chain so this doesnt happen again.

+1 You are past the "good citizen returns wallet" stage. Call the bank, call the cops.
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Sorry. Called the cops, canceled the card.


I'm gonna go in and file a report too, i dunno about that electronic phone crap.


Anyway. black dockers wallet, my names chris wilcox. I think it's a lost cause but i had my ss card in there, license, check card, selective service card, blah blah blah. Pretty much everything. I guess i just go to the dmv for a new license and than i can get a new ss too.


This sucks though w/ all the identity theft crap going around.

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PUT A FRAUD ALERT ON YOUR CREDIT. Contact, Experian, Trans Union, and Equifax. These are the three major credit reporting bureaus. I am telling you...do it or these people can use your SSN to get any credit card they want and buy whatever they want. The result...your credit will be FUCT! Take the appropriate action ASAP!
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^^^ +1


I just got back from work and read this. You will need to monitor your credit score for the next year to make sure no one is applying for credit under your SS#. You don't want to find out that someone put an Expedition on your number, never made payments, and now YOU owe Ford Credit a few thousand AND you'll have to be good for the next few years just to get decent credit scores.

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Originally posted by Hoop-D:

PUT A FRAUD ALERT ON YOUR CREDIT. Contact, Experian, Trans Union, and Equifax. These are the three major credit reporting bureaus. I am telling you...do it or these people can use your SSN to get any credit card they want and buy whatever they want. The result...your credit will be FUCT! Take the appropriate action ASAP!

Thank you thank you thank you!!!

I never thought of that.

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