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long time no type

Guest SiGuy85

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Guest SiGuy85

Well, im finally back to the board, my old computer took on a virus and killed its hard drive and left me with nothing more then an oversized paper weight. any way,....


about two weeks ago i was at U'Wrench it pulling parts for my soon to be pizza car (91 Civic DX HB), but none were to be found so i left and went back to my truck to go home after a long day of nothingness.

while walking back i noticed a dark blue Silverado (2000+ Ext. cab) parked next to my truck full with about five or so kids about 18-20 in age. they then took off when they saw me coming. as they speed past i saw their plate number and remembered it just in case, it looked a bit well, not so good for me.

as i got closer i noticed that my front right window of my blazer had been shattered. I walked closer to see the damge that they had done.


They stole

1.Alpine stero head unit (DEH-P4400)

2.Rockfordfosgate 700s amp

3. two tool boxes full of different tool

4. Tippmann 98 custom (paint ball gun+ upgrades)


They broke

1.the door


3.tore up the dash

4.messed up all my amp in & out lines


I called the cops and they didn't even show up untill two hours later. Then they were like i'm gonna take my time and type on my computer, and the officer never got out of her car to look at anything or even really do what i would call a cops job. i gave her parts of the broken dash so that she could maybe get them finger printed and that i might be able to catch who ever did this. i later found the screwdriver that they ised to break my window with, i later gave that to the columbus police too, for prints. i called them a couple times they said to wait for a week or so and call back. so i did.

I asked the lady if there had been anything new, that i might want to know, and she said. "I'm sorry to have to tell you since the amout of stuff stolen and broken in your truck didn't amount to over three thousand dollars that nothing will pretty much happen. you won't have a detective, or any one else in the matter to really look into it.

so after so long and about a lil over $2000 ripped out of my truck the cops said that they wont help, not that they cant but that they wont. so i guess my question is has this happened to anyone else, and is this what i should expect?


their truck

2000+ Dark Blue Silverado tan or grey interior

Plate number (DIS-1132)

Ext. cab, and chrome/silver stock rims.

lives in or near Groveport

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I had it happen to me a person who I went to school w/ broke into my house.Police dont ever do anything about that kind of crime unless they can make a onview arrest or if the stupid thieves steal something like a credit card or something and use it they don't fingerprint property crimes like are cases because there so many crimes like that. :mad: You could use the info you have and track them down and maybe get your stuff back(believe me its very possible)
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Originally posted by GAS,GRASS,OR ASS:

we got a plate number lets just role to the address one friday or saturday night with about 60 people and beat your 2000 dollars out of the truck with a sledgehammer you still won't have your stuff but you'll feel better

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I am sorry about your what happened to you. What i suggest you do is go and get a copy of the report. Find out exactly how much your equipment was worth replacement value. Do you have all of the serial numbers? If so give them to the police. The pawn shops here in town have to turn over all serial numbers of stuff pawned at their shops weekly to the pawnshop squad who checks for stolen stuff every week. Was the officer with CPD? I am not going to speak ill of the brethern but everybody has a boss and the squecky wheel gets the oil.

The officer who reponded to your call was dispatched in the order of the severity of the crime. Yours is considered a paper run for a report that is why it took so long for the officer to get there. Also the dispatchers assign the runs not the officers.

Just be persistent and eventually you might get the desired effect you are looking for. By the way since your theft is over $2,000 it is a felony. Once again Im sorry you had a bad experience with CPD maybe the next officer can make it right.

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Guest SiGuy85

It's alright, i have never had any bad times with an officer before, but this left me a bit disgruntaled, as you might have been as well. It was that it took over two hours for her to respond which i thought to be a bit over the top. Yeah, the officer was a member of the CPD, I ahve all her info and all, but i don't want to abd mouth her, it may have not been her fault, but i am and will be a bit bitter just because of the long wait after such a long day. Yeah, she said since it was $500+ it became a felony, but is the thing about the detective true, that it has to be a crime in or around $3000, just to merit a detective?


also i bet i can find the serial number to my Stero unit, how would i go about doing this thing with the pawn shops, i know that they usually sell the stuff to their frineds and all but anything is worth a try.


i have a couple copies of the report i belive at my house, also i still have the prices to everything, like reciepts and things along that line.


it's alright, i have never had a problem with CPD, but there is always a first time for something. It's always been a bit more local.


also thanks for talking to me, and giving me some tips

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Did the officer provide you with an adendum sheet? This sheet is incase you found out later that there is something else missing or something that you thought was stolen but now found. This sheet should have your report number on it and if you found your serial numbers can be mailed to the detectives and then the serial numbers are added to the list with the pawn shop squad.

If a pawn shop store fails to declare all of their inventory that was taken in then the shop could be shut down and the owner charged with receiving stolen property a felony.

Once again Im sorry about the wait but the officer does not pick the runs that we get sent on or the order that they come in. Just remember all report runs that are not life threating get pushed to the back of the list till all major life threatening runs are taken care of first. Thats the dispatchers call as to when the run is sent out but they try to get all runs dispatched as soon as possible.

I hope all works out for you. By the way I have been in your shoes I lost two stereo systems to thieves out of my truck so nothing would bring me greater plesure than to catch them in the act and throw them in jail.

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Guest SiGuy85

she didn't give me that sheet, but she told me to call a certain number to get new things added to the list that i already created when she came, which i had to alter because she forget to include all the damaged stuff in my truck.


i know the about the dispatcher giving the orders, and all it's just that when i first called she said 30 min. and it turned to two hours. but i dont care much about that now, it just i want those guys to get what they deserve.


well, i did see them get out and into their truck so well yeah, i don't know how much more in the act you can get, so i hope too, that they can get them, thanks again.

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