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Damn gas!


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Imma have to go buy one of those mopeds with the pedals and the motor. This is a damn shame. I refuse to fill up because I'm hoping it's going to go down. Wishing thinking, huh?
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Be thankful it isn't higher yet, I was talking to my dad in Phoenix and he said he has been paying $2.33 to $2.40 a Gallon for 87! I pay that for 94. If you really look at it .30 more cents a gallon is about $4.50 more a tank. That shouldn't be enough to break you financially. Especially when I hear some of you have 4-5G in your cars...... Some of the gas prices we have been paying we paid the same prices in the early 90's. Gas has been a bargain for years. Some of the old-timers on here may remember when gas was a NICKLE a gallon! I paid $25 for 1/3 of a tank of 100 oct last year. That’s when I will start complaining when gas costs 4.599 for 94!
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BTW, I'm guessing you own that Ferrari, and if so I'm betting if you can afford the Ferrari you can afford the gas.....Not trying to slam you or anything, but I don't think you should get to complain about gas prices when you drive a ferrari. It's kind of like a billionare complaing that all his money is green can't they make it in other colors? sheesh......


You have a sweet ride and I am jealous.......

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Dude, it's not that it's going to break me, but when you are accustomed to something being within reason the majority of your life and now it's going higher than you've ever seen, within months, deserves to be bitched about. It just puzzles me how the price jumps so much in days. No rhyme or reason either. Gas prices are a mystery now. You never know what it's going to be. I read that we(U.S) have a reserve of oil that could run this country for over 5 years, if we never bought another barrel. Lets go into this reserve and mix it with the newly purchased expensive oil and sell it to us at a resonable price. When the oilmen decide to sell again at the right price, reup what was used from the reserve. Also, not my car, a friends.
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Guest stvbreal

15 dollars = 6.4 gallons :(


I'm about to buy a pocket-bike. smile.gif


Inspekta, I realy want to check your car out. That thing is a work of art. graemlins/thumb.gif

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Guest Tony_K

As for gas prices - whew! I'm glad I thought of fuel efficiency when buying cars - I feel sorry for the big V8 guys right now! When I put gas in my cars, I don't feel so bad that they are not the most powerful things out there! smile.gif


4 years ago, Premium was $1.00 cheaper than it is now - It was around 1.30-1.40/gal; now it is around 2.30-2.40/gal. Percentage-wise, that's a pretty big jump in just 4 years. In 2000, I could fill my tank for low-$20s; today it will cost $40 - that's a big hike, considering that wages/earnings have not gone up in the past 4 years.


I think it is terrible that our cities sprawl out into suburbia, making cars a necessity and public transportation not an option. And then on top of that, so many people buy large, wasteful vehicles that they don't need (SUVs...).


Will we be seing a replay of 1973? Will today's powerful cars see the same futures as the "muscle cars" have seen? Will we see a new wave of small, lightweight, fuel-efficient cars, like the 80s brought us?

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Guest Tony_K
Originally posted by Inspeckta:

Yeah......SO graemlins/wtf.gif This thread is about gas, not the car in my sig.

There was some kid in the Kills Section bragging about his friend's "carrera" - maybe you two should race! :D ...or, at least challenge your friends to races? tongue.gif
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Originally posted by Tony_K:

As for gas prices - whew! I'm glad I thought of fuel efficiency when buying cars - I feel sorry for the big V8 guys right now! When I put gas in my cars, I don't feel so bad that they are not the most powerful things out there! smile.gif


4 years ago, Premium was $1.00 cheaper than it is now - It was around 1.30-1.40/gal; now it is around 2.30-2.40/gal. Percentage-wise, that's a pretty big jump in just 4 years. In 2000, I could fill my tank for low-$20s; today it will cost $40 - that's a big hike, considering that wages/earnings have not gone up in the past 4 years.


I think it is terrible that our cities sprawl out into suburbia, making cars a necessity and public transportation not an option. And then on top of that, so many people buy large, wasteful vehicles that they don't need (SUVs...).


Will we be seing a replay of 1973? Will today's powerful cars see the same futures as the "muscle cars" have seen? Will we see a new wave of small, lightweight, fuel-efficient cars, like the 80s brought us?

So long as it brings back some of the cars of the 80's ;)
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Guest Jonnygts
Originally posted by Fetus:

i second the moped idea or even a motorcycle, i can't even drive my grand marquis anymore because it sucks so much gas, thinking about selling it and buying a bike

Allready got my moped! There are these scooter things with like 50 cc motors that can go 60 mph. they are like 700 bucks or so. Not a bad idea, i rode one the other day. Pretty fun.
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Guest stvbreal
Originally posted by Inspeckta:

Yeah......SO graemlins/wtf.gif This thread is about gas, not the car in my sig.

Ok, well let me check out yer freinds car then. graemlins/thumb.gif
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Guest SuperTurbo

The UDF at Smoky Row and Hard Rd. is always cheap. Since there is construction their prices have been low. It has been 1.94 to 1.97 for 87 for the past week. The best part is 93 is only 2.07. 5 cent price jump between grades. If you like Exxon gas, get it there!


Anyone else notice their car idles different or runs slightly different depending on the brand of gas?

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Originally posted by BurgandyS14:

The UDF at Smoky Row and Hard Rd. is always cheap. Since there is construction their prices have been low. It has been 1.94 to 1.97 for 87 for the past week. The best part is 93 is only 2.07. 5 cent price jump between grades. If you like Exxon gas, get it there!


Anyone else notice their car idles different or runs slightly different depending on the brand of gas?

204 for 93 right now
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